
What zodiac signs are the Cullens......?

by Guest65790  |  earlier

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If you read twilight, new moon, eclipse, and breaking dawn....then what zodiac sign do u predict each character to be?? Here is my asumption

Bella Swan- Virgo ( it actually mentioned it once in the book)

Edward Cullen- Pisces

Alice Cullen- Libra

Jasper Cullen- Leo

Esme Cullen- Capricorn

Carlisle Cullen- Gemini

Emette Cullun- Taurus

Rosalie Cullen- Scoprio

Jacob Black- Aries

Charlie Swan- Cancer

Rennee ( bellas mom)- saggitarius

Seth Clearwater- Aquarius

Leah Clearwater- Pisces




  1. What made you think Edward's a Pisces? Just curious. I read that he's a Gemini (June 20).

    I haven't finished Twilight yet... I'll get back to you later. Much later. =(

  2. Hm... I always thought of him of being more of an aquarius or sag. Pisces men are similar yet so different. I wouldn't press him being a piscean although he does have a few characteristics. But he is a push over, yet he's hard headed. I'd most definitely say aquarius.

  3. Really? Stephenie Meyer revealed on the Twilight Lexicon that Edward's birthday was June 20th. Which makes him a Gemini-Cancer cusp. Which really does explain lots. Such as his protectiveness (Cancer), his smile (Gemini) etc.

    So, heres my opinion

    Bella- Virgo

    Edward- Gemini/Cancer

    Alice- I thought she was a Gemini

    Jasper- Pisces (Due to his emotional ability)

    Esme- Cancer

    Carlisle- Capricorn

    Emmett- Leo

    Rosalie- Scorpio (Gotta agree)

    Jacob- Capricorn

    Charlie- Cancer

    Renee- Sag, with some Pisces in her chart because she can read people

    Seth- He has to be a compassionate sign, because in the last book, he shows how kind he can be

    Leah- Scorpio (Because at one point in the book, she said she understood the way Rosalie felt)

    Renesmee (Bella&Edward's daughter)- I think she would be a Gemini because she can communicate with people effictivley and is very smart

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