
What zodiac signs will you absolutely NEVER date and why?

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i am a gemini and i personally will NEVER date another gemini man (my mom amens me on that one) because they are very charming, smart, and funny, but manipulative. i will also NEVER date another scorpio because although the s*x is great, they are manipulative also. i like leos, but they're a bit vain (yall know i'm right!) and i have a tendency to fall for taurus men because they are good family men and good providers, but you can't tell them anything. when a taurus man makes up his mind, no matter how wrong it is, it cannot be changed. i'm supposed to be able to get along well with sagittariuses because we're similar, but when i argue with one its like world war 3.

what are the zodiac signs you avoid like the plague and what are the signs you are attracted to? and what is your zodiac sign? what are the signs you are supposed to be attracted to and do you mesh well with them?




  1. Oh please...

  2. scorpios,because my older sister is 1,and shes mean 2 me sometimes

  3. Yea Im not to much on my Zodiac sighs and what not but I guess yall Gemini folk dated one girl was CRAZY! lol j/p

    Im a Leo by the way. A July Leo at that, were slightly different lol

  4. I don't avoid any zodiac sign.  You honestly believe every person of a certain zodiac sign acts exactly the same?  That's like saying all black people act the same or all Hispanics act the same.  Okay not as bad but still generalizing.

    I would date a guy of any zodiac sign.  I am attracted to the guy, not the race, and certainly not the zodiac sign.

    Oh and don't diss Scorpios because my crush is a Scorpio.  And Scorpios and Pisces (my sign) supposedly go well together!  OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!...

  5. Aquarius, control freaks

    I'm a gemini and I wouldn't date another Gemini because they to are control freaks...

    leo's to firey

    Virgo's up themselves and know it all's..

  6. Well I'm a gemini and I have dated a gemini guy and girl. and I will NEVER do that again.. the boyfriend I had was sooo cute but also quiet and I just KNEW there was another side to him.. well we didnt last long and I honestly dunno why I date him lol After we broke up though I could tell he was hiding how he really was.

    The girl I dated was just.. odd. HAD alot of odd habits but she was nice she just lied alot haha if that makes sense.

    The scorpio girl I dated.. we had a long relationship she pretty much brainwashed me. And that sucked!!

    But my bestfriend is a gemini she and I are ALOT alike.. so I guess it just depends on which side of the gemini you get haha

  7. I will date a man of ANY zodiac sign.

    You might be missing out on a wonderful partner if you dismiss that person because of the date he was born on.

    My best friend of 27 years is a Taurus like me, and my ex-boyfriend who I was with for 10 years and am still friends with now, was also a Taurus. According to the Horoscope, Tauruses don't belong together.

    Astrology and Horoscopes are obviously just superstition. I'd rather stick to my own gut feelings when it comes to the men I date.

    I highly encourage you to change your mind.


  8. i would date any one i like

    regardless of their zodiac sighn

  9. I'm a Leo! And I would never go out with Taurs, Virgos, or Capricorns because they are so boring....I like Aries men.They are always a lot of fun and they're passionate and good in the sack...Libra men are very sweet but they are flirts...Sagittarus guys are very intelligent and liberal...My guy friend is an Aries and he's very wild like me and always makes me laugh but we argue you alot through....He wants to be the boss, but I am...

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