
Whatare ways we can make our world, our country and our local community a better place to live in?

by  |  earlier

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Anything that you think is viable or positive and creative.




  1. Change ourself, by :

    - act nice, smile and greet anyone you meet

    - positive thinking

    - care about environment, support greenpeace

    - control emotion

    and then spread our positive changes all over our world.

  2. do to others that you wish upon yourself

  3. Smile at strangers and say hello.

  4. I believe in the simplicity and brilliance of The Pencil Project.

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  5. comunicate more between each other, and don't be scared to talk about, contraversial subjects, for fear of conflicting opinions.......   and the next time you go to buy a glossy magazine full of absolute garbage, ie celebraties and whatever gossip the media writes.....just think about what your doing and stop and dont buy it ,, and send the money to greenpeace,, and spread awareness about conservation.. we need to stop the comercial netting of fish within our fradgile river systems,, yes thats right,,, they net all the babies and females with row,, in the rivers and lakes,,and also drag the bottom with prawn nets and silt up the rivers and kill all the sea grass and sell all the baby prawns for bait witch is genneraly wasted after 5 or 6 prawns are used and the bag of 300 goes off and is chucked away....................................... its like going to the hospital and rapeing the babies in the maternity wards.

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