
Whate are some of the best places in Madrid, Spain for house music?

by Guest57224  |  earlier

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Further, how do you find when good house DJs come to Madrid?




  1. Yeah! Madrid is such a great destination for house lovers.

    Pacha Madrid, Kapital and Radical. These are the best discotheques I've been in Madrid.

    I've never been in Bhudda del Mar and El Cielo de Pacha, but they must be awesome. However they are too selective, just the most glamurous people are allowed to go there.

    Look in the site below for addresses and more info. however I'm afraid most of them are just in spanish.

    As to the next DJ's who will visit Madrid... There's great DJ's coming every weekend to both Madrid and Barcelona, the best you can do is visit the web sites of your favourite ones and see where and when are they acting.

  2. Pacha and Kapital are at the top of my list. Loved going there and great house music.

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