
Whatever became of the "human flies?"

by Guest66675  |  earlier

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When I was a kid, I used to read a lot of news stories about people who would climb the exterior sides of skyscrapers - especially the World Trade towers and the Sears tower - with the aid of few if any climbing instruments. Most of the time, these people were arrested on their way up or once they reached the top of the building. It's been at least twenty-five years since I last heard of people attempting this. Did the authorities make it harder for people to climb with wires or alarms or other materials on the lower floors - or are there just fewer crazy people trying to climb buildings? I'm reminded of this by the new documentary "Man on a Wire" about the French wire walker who walked illegally on a wire between the two Trade towers.




  1. They still exist and are on the news quite frequently! I don't know where you have been...

    The most famous is Alain Robert nicknamed "The Human Spider" who focuses on climbing skyscrapers (which he regularly get arrested for)

    He has climbed more then 85 buildings and monuments including...

    Eiffel Tower - Paris France

    Empire State Building – New York City

    Sears Tower – Chicago, Illinois

    Shinjuku Center Building - Tokyo, Japan

    Sydney Tower and the Sydney Opera House - Sydney, Australia

    and many many more!

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