
Whatever happened ........?

by  |  earlier

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to I'll see you after school?

When I was in school, if you had a problem it was sorted out one on one either in the ring or privately ...... remember those imortal words ..... fight! fight!

Where is it all going to end up?




  1. Those days are long gone. There was such a thing as honor back then. That concept is foreign to most youth now.

  2. i think there should be tougher laws in this country!!!!

    they let people and kids get away with everything!!!!

    it will never change, it will only get worse.

    bring in harder laws and punishment! none of this stupid slap on the wrist s*it!

  3. Old f**t has this right but can i add that most of the troublesome youths are foreign - they've been allowed to live here! Some of the troublemakers are so called refugee status - send them back to where they came from as soon as they cause a problem - that might sound a warning to the others.

  4. I thought you guys don't have guns over there?

    Someone,unbeknown to me,  showed my son a video of the columbine shooting and he was deeply disturbed.

    It's very scary, especially in highschool!!!

  5. A fight in school was always one-against-one, no knives, guns.

    just good old fisty-cuffs

    they got the squabble out of their system & probably forgotten about by next week..

    But now days I'm not sure if Or when

    this current trend will end.

    I blame the introduced & nibbling away at a parent/guardian/teacher & the local police ( bobby on the beat ) from punishing unruly children, ever since.

    The Child Act, really has it helped?

    least of all Victoria Climbe or Natasha or Tiffany ( sadly the list goes on & on ) it took away a parents right to smack.

    Some parents viewed it as the perfect cop out ( kids shouldn't be taught boundaries, right from wrong, they'll figure it for themselves ) others saw it as an attack on their parenting skills or they'd just chastise them, behind closed doors.

    Same as cannabis is still illegal, it's a criminal offence to steal benefits, to own a pit-bull meant it had to muzzled in public, spayed/castrated & on lead.

    some peoples idea of illegal isn't the same as everyone elses.

    a crime-free, decent, honest & law-abiding society is sadly dying, dead or unattainable.

    sorry, how depressing but there you go blame the EU & that Child Act.

  6. That's nothing new.

    We used to meet at our local fish and chip shop to batter each other.

  7. It was the same when I was at school, the Grammar and High School had organised fights every few years. Had the odd baseball bat involved, but never heard of knives or guns.

  8. "see you after school" that would be considered bullying and you'd get suspended or expelled. It's much better to meet at McDonalds. At least the chairs and tables are bolted down.

    Old f**t's got it right. That concept is FOREIGN to these feral kids these days. The only way they know is extreme violence.

  9. Couldn't we resolve such problems with a mass pasty fight?

    There's plenty of them around Plymouth.

  10. This is not much different to the 60s and late 70s when mods and rockers used to fight it out with Stanley knives and hammers. Stanley knives were used to cut without killing which is perhaps where the difference lies now.

  11. I hate fighting, but will "fight my corner" over an issue

    At school, many moons ago, we didn't like get a teacher involved in a dispute, but settled the matter privately, through discussion, debate or argument, perhaps a physical punch-up if not resolved.

    A good freind now, Mick, did the "see you after school" thing.

    We pitched up against each other over some thing that is too trivial to remember, complete with a small crowd in the feild behind.

    I gave him one good thump on the nose for worrying me all day about it, shook hands, and are now mates.

    Daft, isn't it ?


  12. That type of a resolve to a problem was frowned upon by the Schools, PTAs, and the penalty's were for the times severe.

    Now we are feeling the consequences, and if a kid has a problem with another kid, they are just as likely to bring a knife, or Gun to school to solve the problem,.

  13. industry news-

  14. I´ve said this loads of times before...but we seem to have created a society where people have NO idea how to resolve a conflict at all. (Look no futher than these boards for evidence!)

    Add to this that kids seem to be forming their own alternative subculture with all this gang, guns ,knives malarkey and we need to study the reasons why they feel the need .

  15. When I was at school, if someone started on me I battered them there and then I didn't even wait. I just used to lose me temper then bosh bosh bosh up it went. This one kid started before in a Science lesson and I just jumped over about 3 tables to get at him. Then after I blacked his eyes the teacher sent HIM out for pissing me off. I never used to start fights I weren't like that but I used to make sure no b*****d got the better of me. ;-)

  16. Maybe these are the descendants of the ruffians who used to knock seven bells out of each other instead of behaving themselves.Same ilk different era.

    I think it's wrong to ignore the fact that a lot of the knife crime is home grown.

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