
Whatever happened to Freedom of Speech?

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As far as R&S goes I mean.

It seems any mildly interesting question is deleted.

Wouldn't things be more exciting without censorship and people who report things they personally may not agree with?




  1. Apparently on R&S, it doesn't exist as much as we'd like it to.

  2.'s Yahoo's servers.  They can do whatever they want.  But they are pretty absurd at times.

  3. A simple solution to your quandary would be to ask another question.

  4. the Internet is not America. it does not have to abide by the constitution of the United States. you understand that?

    Yahoo has a specific "terms of service". read them... that is the constitution of Yahoo.

  5. it's not the exact quote, but in the spirit of it, imagine a boot, winston, stomping on your face forever...

  6. Meh, it doesn't matter, I just repost every question they delete.

    You have to understand that true "Free Speech" doesn't exist in any public venue.

    It's sad but it's true.

  7. Sometimes I agree with you, but there are just some things that need to be taken down. Like when someone is asking a question about their parents abusing them, and someone replies by ridiculing them. Unfortunately because of the few sick people, everyone has to suffer.

  8. Freedom is never totally free, you lose privileges if you do not follow the rules.

    Here on R/S we all have a Yahoo censor

  9. People started talking about freedom.

    Oh wait i missed that bit about R&S - No, things would not be more exciting.

    I would infact say they'd become terribly boring and predictable.

  10. Some people just cannot handle the truth. Lol.

  11. LOL read my profile.

  12. thats what itsays in ch.8, in the bible. one day u will have a pc .. well if u wish2express ur thourths in a non public envirerment, then the net is the place.

    but u should be able to quot the devel on the net. Seeing Howard quoted SATAN in this intolorant policy speechs

    wouldnt things be a loot simpler without censorship by anti-drug-groghead, telling US it WONT HURT US,. if we use it care fully.

    but if ..

  13. Hopefully you don't mean the freedom to speak filth.

    Lots of this these last days.

  14. it's Human Nature  !

    People even kill each other for things they personally not agree with .

  15. Yahoo has the right to determine content.  

    The only entity that can trample on your right to free speech, is the government.

  16. Yes, we do have Freedom of Speech. But we also have to follow the regulations that were set for this question and answer forum.

  17. It was replaced by people who want to be politically correct!  Mores the pitty. If the Colonists saw we have become they would be rolling over in their graves. If they had been this way we would still be under the rule of which ever country now ruled us!

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