
Whatever happened to a happy childhood?!?

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I just finnished 5 or more hours of homework and I don't think this is right for a sophomore in a public high school. Homework takes away my time with my family (weekends is a sorry excuse because I have to work) and also my time with friends. In order for someone to lead a healthy life they need these two things-- not a bunch of homework. Does anyone agree that homework is just an excuse to put most all of the learning responsibility on the student? I feel public schools should TEACH the kids in school and then have homework that builds off of what is taught instead of just talking about what the homework will be and placing all the learning onto the student. Agree or disagree?




  1. Definitely agree. In high school, a lot of the time I had to make the choice between spending time with family and friends or doing loads of homework to get good marks. A lot of teachers and schools nowadays are basically guided home schools - they assign ridiculous amounts of homework and projects that overwhelms students and sometimes forces them to burn out early or change their ideas about college, etc. High school is supposed to be a learning experience not only about book knowledge, but a social experience as well.

    I took AP and honors courses as well, and the homework just piled up beyond belief.  In order to be in those classes, you have to work and think efficiently, yet still - the homework was ridiculous.

  2. Disagree.

    School isn't about teaching you facts. It's about teaching you how to learn. The learning responsibility IS all yours.

    Why did your homework take you 5 hours? That's what you need to be asking yourself. You need to learn to work faster and more efficiently.

  3. i'm not in high school yet

    but i Agree!! totally. lol

  4. I agree.  You should be doing the work in school not at home.  I don't agree with homework at all.  Yes, school is there to teach you how to learn for yourself - but you should still be doing that learning in school hours, otherwise what is the point in it?   I have recently gained a degree with the OU by learning from home, I didn't need school as well.  So one or the other I say.  School or home learning.  You do not need both.    

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