
Whatever happened to........?

by  |  earlier

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Well, it's not just one person it's a lot of people that's gone. I miss the days when there would be a lot of us on and we'd get into debates and IDK just good old times on Y/A! Lots of people have left, in a way it's sad :(

*I know, I know I ask they question all the time, but I can't help it.




  1. I wasnt here that far back, but i wish i was :(

    lol marco i was wondering why your answer wasnt there anymore (it was my question)  it was that patrice guy that said that about italians. I would say a few more words to him but his brother already called me a sl*ut and threatened me lol.

  2. Im here what u wana argue about?

    Two days ago a french fan said that all italians are scum and should die. Shud we argue abt that? I have a few things to say :D I wrote them in my answer but mine got reported and deleted, his not, of crs.

  3. Most of my contacts are still around. But more importantly...

    This "Patrice" guy is a _____ , a point-gaming low-life. I don't know whether to laugh or not since he reported me (Q: Man Utd's success? My Answer: Their asian fanbase) and also copied my answer word for word on another question before voting himself twice for best answer.  

  4. People might be too busy... But hey, as long as we can hold up until another major tournament, it should be fine.

    Give it a little more time. Once the footy season is running like normal, you will see how this place flourishes (hopefully)...

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