
Whatever happened to the Bird Flu?

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Another fear based tactic to make some money for the pharm companies and Rumsfeld?




  1. It's out of season.  It will be back.

    Bird flu is rampantly contagious among birds, but not readily contagious to humans; it takes a huge exposure to infect a human.  The concern is that it will eventually mutate to a form readily spread among humans.  It will probably happen some day.  However, modern vaccine technology should greatly mitigate the effects.  Even now it's possible to make a vaccine that would lessen the effects of bird flu, and once the actual mutation arises, a more specific and effective vaccine will be developed.  

    Bird flu is dangerous, but proper measures will help a lot.

  2. It is currently in India, Pakistan & Egypt.

    39 people in Pakistan have it, plus many in Egypt & India.

    A lot of cases & they are killing poultry in those places.

    Sorry I can't do links, but it has been on Yahoo news several times over the past few weeks.

  3. Flew away by the looks of it!

  4. they are still taking bids on which drug company gets to distribute the vaccine

  5. nothing happened they're just trying to distract us with other nonsense.

  6. Same place as the West Nile virus, up and out!

    I know how to stop the BF, don't live with your food!!!!!!!!!

  7. Don't worry, it will be back in the news as soon as the Government want the heat taken out of another problem.

  8. Fly fly away...

  9. It'll be back, killing more people, this summer.

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