
Whatever happened to the separation of Church and State here in the US? Who put the Evangelicals in charge?

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It seems that the Evangelical Christians are calling all the shots in this election. They surely dont speak for me and many people I know.

Its a sad day for the US when we can only consider the needs of one reliigious group.




  1. Face it, religion, and big business, own our politicians.  

  2. no one, they are not calling the shots, it is just one segment of society that the candidates want to court so they accept their forum.

    it was by far, the most level debate ever seen.  surely, you must admit that point.  you got to compare apple to apples with no advantage of one over the other.

    it is sad that you have assessed it that way.  the preface was made that the pastor/moderator, believes in separation of church and state.  i wish that certain 'other' churches felt the same.  i find it odd that many have issues with evangelicals but have no issue with other groups who have a more senister agenda.

  3. Many voters just happen to be Christians and are only a part of our total number of voters and stand for what they believe in just as you do.That's why your vote counts as well.It keeps a balance.This is a moment in our history that we need to consider what is in the best interest of our country.Most important on the list is Free Speech.Any day is a good day when we all have that right.

  4. Evangelicals are the scum of the USA who aren't followers of Christ. They're so eager to cram their warped perverted evil down your throat and beleive that abortion and hating homosexuals are the only things that counts. They're loud noisy bigots and really not that many.

    They don't have g**s to hate and vote against this election like they did in 2004. OBama is making a real effort for them not to hate him, even though they have a lot of black hating bigots.  So they'll be too lazy to  get off their fat inbred buttes to vote this time.

  5. We have both side the religious right and the religious left both have nuts cases I' sure you would agree the the Rev Al and Jesse are nut cases as well as that white priest in Rev Wright church

  6. they just sort of filled a void while the liberals were in mass. marring their same s*x friends

  7. No one! There is one distinct way to send a message to these people that they are Not in charge. Elect Barrack Obama President!

  8. Unfortunately, they have strength in numbers and that is why presidential hopeful McCain is wrapping his arms around this movement.

  9. The media and Bush propaganda machine gave the appearance of the evangelicals having more clout than they ever had or could have. Just look at the '06 midterm elections. Bush's solid base wasn't there.

  10. They are very vocal in the republican party that's for sure. But even the Obama camp religion has come into it in this election.

  11. Seperation of Church and State means that the government can not dictate that you must adhear to a certain faith, believe, church, or religion.  Nor can the government establish a certain religion or use tax money to fund religion.  (That doesn't mean the government can not partner with the faith community to serve the public, just like it partners with business).

    We still have that and nothing has changed.

    Evengelicals are citizens and are entitled to vote and vote according to their conscience and beliefs.  Nothing wrong with that.  

  12. I put them in charge and if you don't like it then go to the hot place.

  13. You can thank GW Bush for that too! he used them to further his political career and get elected then turned his back on them. Because there are so many and there preachers will tell the follower who to vote for based on the abortion issue , politicians will pander to these NUT CASES!  Don`t give up the fight, This nation was founded on separation of church and state, something that Bush should have considered when he blocked stem cell research and slowed the cures for 100s of deadly diseases. If you ask me ,any one who believes in an invisible man who tells him what to do through 2000 year old book has NO BUSINESS in the White House!

  14. I don't think they're in charge of anything other than how they cast their vote.

  15. Nobody.  I don't think evangelicals are "calling the shots". They are simply a very vocal and visible voting block.  It doesn't mean their views carry more weight.  

  16. Disgusting, isn't it? Funny how Churches don't want the government to interfere with them, but they feel they can influence the government all they want. Something's really wrong with that.

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