
Whatever happened with the investigation of the Chinese girls' ages in the Olympics?

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What did they find out/decide about the Chinese gymasts who might be underage?




  1. If China is really serious about being accepted as a civilized part of the modern world, she will surrender all the gymnastic medals the illegal team was awarded. Publications by the Chinese Government clearly prove that they violated the rules. The world will judge China more by their cheating than anything else.

  2. According the the Federation Internationale de Gymnastique as of Saturday (8/23) morning:


    Beijing (CHN) BTG FIG Office, August 23, 2008: The Executive Committee members of the International Gymnastics Federation (FIG) held an extraordinary meeting today August 23, to discuss the age of Chinese female gymnasts.

    Further to the communication released yesterday regarding the age of gymnasts who competed here in Beijing, the FIG continues to gather information.

    The Federation has received a number of documents from the Chinese Gymnastics Federation, including passports, identity cards and family booklets. All information is in Chinese and the IF is making as thorough analysis as possible of the papers.

    This process may take some time, but in due course, the FIG will make a full report of our findings to the International Olympic Committee.

    Keep in mind that it took nearly eight years for Marion Jones to be stripped of her medals and that was only after she was caught lying to the FBI.

  3. Still ongoing.

    More evidence is coming out everyday:

    Just yesterday More was uncoverd:

    This time they found evidence for Jiang Yuyuan being underage too, not just He Kexin.

    China's, "He's age got mixed up when she transfered teams", excuse stats to hold less water now. Was Jiang Yuyuan also a victim of bad record keeping when switching teams?Another interesting fact is He's birth date of 1994 was seen on documents well before the 2007 "team switch" they claim caused the whole problem.

    Honestly, to me, China's "excuse giving" look s a little shady to me. Why not let the FIG figure out if there was a registration error If they have all the documents they shoudl be able to see that clearly.

  4. It's been dropped.

    They might well be underage, but since they were allowed by the gymnastic committee - their results stand. I am fine with it, time to move on.

    They are likely underage (China has done this before, and the age controversy actually started in the Chinese press well before the Olympic games commenced, it was not started after the fact by the US) but what's done is done. Other countries have done this before and their results/medals stood too

    If one really wanted to prove their age - x-ray examination of their bone growth would easily prove it. Forensic pathologists generally have to estimate ages - the bones and their growth do not lie.

  5. they tried three times but still no luck

  6. Seriously, this is getting old.

    It is time to move on!

  7. 1 of the girls was caught being only 13 and you have to be six teen to play and they havent released any more evidence.

  8. It is still ongoing.

  9. From what I've read recently, the IOC said they the gymnasts' paperwork that would verify their ages have appeared fine.

  10. The IOC did a quickie investigation and found that the girls were of age. I don't think they investigated to the best of their ability. and I believe they should have. They placed an Age cap in Gymnastics for a reason and should enforce it for everyone. Not only China but other countries that break the age rules. Why enact an age limit only to look the other way when there is clear evidence that China broke the rules. Make s you wonder what else the IOC looks the other way at.

  11. The IOC (International Olympic Committee) allowed the Chines Government to conduct the investigation. The Chinese government reported to the IOC that all documents were studied and families were questioned and all was found to be acceptable. The IOC took the Chinese government's word.  

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