
Whatever your work is, do women get paid more than men, and what kinds of equal work?

by Guest56914  |  earlier

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Specifically I know its an opinion in the gender war, but I recently visited an old age home where the one male was a cleaner, had only been there six months, the last token male was there three months and he had a similar wage as a beast of burden for a staff of 300.

It may seem unfair but the head of aged care said of a woman, her son, whom did risk analysis and time motion studies with a degree in value analysis whom gave up his professional work to care for his mom was not allowed to receive his mother whom had been on respite back into his care even with senior first aid certificate, she released his mom into his sisters care where his mom had her back broken by the district nurse not having a risk assessment done as she did the woman thing with her and she rocked onto her back snapping her back over a single bed where she lay unattended for an unknow period of time? Pay, 1/4 as a carer on welfare what the nursing home nurses get to give a pooer diet not trained in nutrition?




  1. christopher, the middle east is a reigon not a country, and i know some very well paid women who live in the mid east.

  2. That was the most incoherent paragraph I've read all night.

  3. that's a horrible story, and i don't know if this story is about your mom, or someone you know, but either way its wrong in so many ways. if a nurse broke my mothers back, you better believe I'd be filing a law suit!

  4. Everywhere i know you get paid the same amount, whether your a man or woman. The wage gap only exists when you get paid judged on your qualification, and even then it can swing both ways.

  5. unless she is oprah a woman is never gonna get paid as much as a man. so **** men

  6. There are more than 80 professions where women make considerably more than the men working in the field.

    Female sales engineers, statisticians and legislators on average are payed 30-40% more than their male counterparts.

  7. Most of the people where I work don't get paid at all, since it's a volunteer-run community station and our staff consists of only six people. As far as I can tell, we're all paid based on how important our work is. I doubt that the program director (female) is paid less than the station manager (male).

  8. are you comparing the pay of a nominated carer to the pay of a qualified nurse as an example of gender inequality?

    that's a biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig stretch.

    btw, i've never had a job nor seen one where women in the same position were paid less or more than men, and i've had a lot of jobs.

  9. I am a teacher and everyone has the potential to make the same amount of money. In this profession you are paid on your amount of experience and education. The more you have of either = more money. Many times though you will see that the men don't make as much as the women because the men try to supplement their incomes early by coaching. While they do this the women advance their degrees and get more education. The stipend amount for coaching is always the same, but when you have more education and experience, it ends up that the non-coaches (often, but not always women) make more money.

  10. Sadly, in some countries like middle east, men receive bigger pays than women. (THAT'S SEXIST!)

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