
Whatis the best time to go salmon fishing in the Nisqually River area?

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me and my dad went fishing in the nisqually river area to fish for salmon obviously lo but we didnt get any bites...what would be the best ttime for doing so?




  1. Not sure about that river but in Michigan the salmon runs start in early october till mid november. My suggestion to you is to find out when the runs are at their peak and go then, call local tackle shops or go to sites like "your state" Here in Michigan it's called I would also recommend to use something different to get these fish to bite. While everyone is throwing the same thing at these fish I use large flies like the wollybuger to entice them. Remember that these fish are looking to mate then die, not eat and it takes some patience and different types of flies to get them to hit.

  2. One hour before the start of the incoming tide until high tide. Watch the reports from the local sport shops.  Also watch the banks for fishermen. That is a popular river in Washington.

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