
Whats Going On With Jon&Kate Plus 8??

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Ok so I was just on their facebook page (extremely bored!!)

Anyways I came across a comment left there by someone and it says "I love this show. I was surprised to hear about the "Aunt Jodi" stuff. I don't know if it is true or not, but I feel bad for Kate that she has seemed to alieniate her family members. Her Mom and Dad are not involved. The only real family she had involved were Jodi and Kevin. Well..."

Whats going on with Aunt Jodi?

I'm in Australia and we're a little behind on the episodes. I think we've just got to the season after they started having a day out with a child on their own. I think it's the season the sextuplets turn 4 (?)




  1. The Gosselins really, really irritate me.  According to Jodi's sister, Julie's, blog:

    "Another example is when Kate told Jodi she wasn't giving her the choice to be part of the show. Kate told her that it was to "save their relationship". Like Jodi should be thankful, maybe even grateful that Kate was actually doing her a favor. Does she really think Jodi is that gullible?!

    Jodi had already had several conversations with different "people" involved with the show, all telling her the same story about Kate and her refusal to let Jodi get paid. Kevin already had two lengthy conversations with Kate about that very issue. Not once did their "relationship" come up. It was all about money and CONTROL!!

    When Jodi was initially contacted about getting paid, the "person" said it was standard in the industry to give a contract to recurring people on reality shows. They said that she couldn't sign anything, so they were working on an "honorarium", but they had an "obstacle" to work around. Jodi and Kevin questioned them, and that's when they found out that Kate was the obstacle. They were told that when this person initially mentioned a contract for Jodi before the filming of season 2, Kate said, "If anyone else gets paid, we're done!" Jodi was asked not to tell Kate about the conversation because this person was "scared", and that she needed to be "patient". Kevin and Jodi didn't want to believe that Kate would do something like that, especially to them. They didn't feel comfortable going behind her back or taking the word of someone else without talking to their own FAMILY. They didn't want to be secretive or do anything that could potentially come between their "relationship" with J&K. They went against the advice and asked Kate, which I feel was the right thing for them to do. Kevin and Jodi have integrity and family means something to them.

    So when Kevin went down and asked Kate what was going on, the first thing she did was yell into the other room, "Jon, If anyone else gets paid, we are done!" Then, she changed her tune and laughed at Kevin. She actually clapped her hands in his face for emphasis, as you've seen her do on TV... "You are nothing!" "Nobody cares about you!" "This is about us!" She later said that she was relaying what the "people" involved with the show told her. Although, she wasn't aware of the several other conversations that Jodi had with those "people" telling her the complete opposite. As soon as Kevin left (it was later found out), she was on the phone, putting a stop to any prospect of Jodi getting paid, and working out the hiring of a third party. I'm sure there was a lot of scrambling going on with the people from the show because they went against Kate and tried to work out something for Jodi.

    A few days later, Jodi told Kate that she didn't care about the contract, and money had never been her motive. Kate twisted things around again. She said that she couldn't ALLOW Jodi to continue to be on the show because she wasn't going to get paid (because the network didn't care about her) and "Who would do that for free? Who would open their home, be filmed and not get paid?" Interesting, Kate--Jodi had been doing that for two years already, completely unaware that being paid was even an option.

    At that point, Kate had already worked out the deal to "hire" the third party to take Jodi's place with child care. She allowed Jenny to sign a contract and be paid by the network, the very thing that she told Jodi the network wouldn't agree to. Her story just isn't adding up!!"

    Here's a link to Julie's's pretty interesting stuff.

  2. There is a blog out there somewhere that was supposedly written by Aunt Jodi's sister.  Apparently, the producers wanted to pay Aunt Jodi for being on the show so much.  Kate through a fit over it, saying no one else was going to make money off of her kids.  Also, their is rumor that Kate didn't like Aunt Jodi being so good with her kids.  And that Kate looked really ridiculous over the gum incident, and Aunt Jodi got a lot of support.  

    So, they have now hired a Nanny who isn't related to the family, she us shown a lot when the family goes on upcoming episodes when the family goes on a beach vacation.   And the kids now no longer spend time with family.  There is talk that Kevin (Kate's brother), approached Kate over it, and there may have been a fight.   Whether there really is a falling out, the Gosselin's are claiming people are just jealous and not getting the facts straight.  

    Hopefully somebody can give you a link to the blog.  I was a little disgusted with Kate and Jon after reading it.   I'm debating whether to quit watching it.  

  3. Jon and Kate Plus Eight - Aunt Jodi on a blogging warpath

    by Gayla McCord on July 9th, 2008

    For those, like me, who enjoy watching Jon and Kate Plus Eight - it seems there’s a few changes a brewing in the upcoming season.

    Aunt Jodi will not be back and she’s decided to open up in a tell all blog at Truth Breeds Hatred

    According to one blog post, the real reason that Jodi has been cut from the show is the recurring theme orchestrated by Kate, that being control.  You have to admit, Kate does seem to be very controlled, organized and delegating in any given episode.

    Here’s what Aunt Jodi has to say about her not returning…

    Have you watched Jon and Kate Plus Eight?  

    I love that show!!  I do have to admit though there have been several episodes that left me scratching my head wondering what exactly Kate is doing during the day while Jon is at work.

    I’ve seen Kate have people come in to clean, do laundry and help out - but she never seems to look as tired as her husband

  4. My wife loves this show.

    I'm not surprised they have alienated family, it's such a stressfull situation.  I don't think they explained this one on the show as far as I know.

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