
Whats JR and Stewert gunna do when GM gose BANKRUPT?

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read it for urself ! GM is kaput




  1. Everyone is having trouble right now even Toyota,but GM will be around for a long time .

  2. If they file it will be to reorganize and basically kick the UAW to the curb, I would look for Ford and Chrysler to follow suit in very short order primarily to get on an even footing with foreign competition in terms of labor costs in this country.

    If you are with the UAW I really would not think about a strike they did it to Studebaker and the boards reply was to close the plant and change to engine additives as a primary product.

  3. Your obsessed with misconstrued facts. GM is not going anywhere even if they do file for bankruptcy. Get some business education. GM is not closing it's door's!

    Every article you present say's they are not filing for bankruptcy.

  4. Tell ya what...Go sit in front of the TV and hold your breath until the make the bankruptcy announcement.  Then we'll help you figure it out!

    Go Jr.>>>>

  5. that's just great sorry but i don't feel like reading that article and I doubt that a manufactuer with a two time defending champ, a four time champ, a two time champ, and all those wins goes bankrupt.

  6. bankrupt does not mean that chevy won't be around next year it just means their going bankrupt so they don't have to pay all their bills not that their going out of business chevy will be here for alot of years to come jr and stewert won't have to worry

  7. change their headlight decals?

  8. This stuff happens every day in the corporate world.  Bankruptcy is an easy way to pay the bills! ;-)

  9. Drive Daewoos... oh wait, they already do.

  10. One thing to say STUPID ECONOMY!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. GM of all companies wont go bankrupt no madder what your hyperlink says.

  12. going bankrupt is the easy way out if paying bills, but i did hear that gm is going to take away all medical insurance for its salary employees...

  13. if  gm goes kaput  we are in a very serious crisis   and f that happens they will prop just drive for someone else i mean who don't want these two driving for them

  14. Race toyotas


    1. It's STEWART - S T E W A R T

    2. WTF is gose??? isn't it G O E S???

    3. As was previously stated, try some business classes. Bankruptcy means absolutely nothing. How many times has KMART gone bankrupt??? Yet, there is still one just right down the street from my house....

    4. Is there much sunlight in your cave???

  16. GM will not go out of biz and will not stop throwing $$$ into nascar......its their most influential advertising.  They will make neccessary changes to stay financially successful, there are several ways to file bankruptcy. its not all or none. they are prob. just filing on one venture that is not paying off.

  17. They could take on driving Dodges and try to pick them up as JGR has with Toyota this year.

  18. So what if they do? Our government (you and me, all taxpayers) will bail them out, same as done for Chrysler many years ago.

  19. Put a GM sticker on a Dodge.

    The illiterates will never know.

  20. Did you read the whole ad?

    GM Chief Executive Rick Wagoner also dismissed the speculation, saying at a lunch meeting of Dallas business leaders that comments in the past week about a potential bankruptcy are "not at all constructive or accurate."

  21. Toyota will buy GM assets and give Tony a chevy with a toyota logo and JR a  hybred sponsered by BECK's

  22. Geez all these articles you are trying to dig up and you don't even know what bankruptcy is.  There is a difference between bankruptcy, shutting down or being bought out Einstein.

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