
Whats Much Better Riding a Bus and Commute or A Private Car?

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Whats Much Better Riding a Bus and Commute or A Private Car?




  1. I agree with what gomanyes562 says, but would add that if you work in a place with very little parking (most downtown areas are like this) then the bus is a better option. It's usually much cheaper to ride the bus than pay to park downtown, and fight for parking spaces. Depending on where you live, your city may have express routes or subways which can get you to your destination faster. Sometimes the train is a good choice as well.

  2. It really depends on the location.  If the bus service in your city is reasonably efficient, then I would say that bus is the better option, since it is cheaper, less stressful, and safer.  But if it requires multiple transfers, a lot of walking, and waiting, then might as well drive.

  3. Riding a bus... NOT....

    Commute is okay depending on who you are riding with...

    Private Car hands down - preferably one that I am driving.

  4. Private car without a doubt I would rather pay the extra money for gas and be able to be almost home by the time people riding the bus are getting picked up plus it saves you the hassle of waiting for the bus, riding the bus, finding a seat on the bus when its the end of the day.

  5. I would pick private car but it costs more yet is faster I would think.

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