
Whats My Chest Pain ?

by  |  earlier

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I'm 15 nearly 16, and i keep regularly getting sharp chest pains, 1 day they will be very pain full and sharp and the next day they might not be as bad. I'm not on any medication and there's nothing similar in the family history. Ive been to the hospital and had a chest x-ray, nothing showed but a shadow and the doctor said that was fine. What is this pain ?




  1. GAS! Seriously, gas bubbles do travel in our body and they do cause sharp pains. Try taking some Gas X (with your parents supervision and permission). That will help excrete out the bubbles.

    I get this pain ever so often. And after I burp, or even out the other way, it does relieve the pressure.  

  2. Sounds like simple spasms of the diaphragm. They occur quite often in adolescence and while annoying and painful they are not dangerous.  

    This type of spasm is usually related to failure to breath deeply enough to keep the diaphragm in good working condition, better knows as shallow breathing. Spending long hours at a computer screen is a good way to develop shallow breathing so be sure to keep your shoulders back, breathe deeply and get plenty of aerobic exercise to offset the hours spent sitting in classrooms and in front of TV's and computers.

  3. hey, how tall r u? how long do you have these pains?the chest x-ray might be needed to repeat after a while, any sports u do?did u have any accidets lately? falling downs? or a brief cold? r u under big stress? u have to take it seriosly ... spasms or anything else , can let u in respiration defect, less oxygedn you take coz of your pain,more fatigue, dizzyness, lightheaded u'll be

  4. i know this isnt exactly answering, more relating because i have the same thing and it is worse when i breathe in. i went to the doctor and she ***** explain it. sometimes it wakes me up it hurts so bad. if u figure it out please let me know ? xx
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