
Whats Ozone?

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I was watching the weather today and the person was saying that in my area there is a lot of ozone around so if you are feeling unwell this could be the reason..What is Ozone? and how does it effect our bodies?




  1. three oxegen particles put together.

  2. Ozone (O3) at the surface can cause respiratory problems if it is concentrated enough because the ozone can interact with the linings of the lungs and produce inflammation, which in turn can make it difficult to breathe in some cases.  Not everybody reacts in this manner to ozone, but some do.

  3. Ozone is a form of oxygen. but, whereas oxygen molecules contain two oxygen atoms, ozone molecules have three atoms. ozone is produced when electricity is discharged through oxygen or air. for example, it is formed when lightning flashes through a cloud. the ozone layer in the stratosphere absorbs harmful ultraviolet radiation from the Sun.
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