
Whats PRINCE CHARLES really like? Is he good crack? Anybody worked for him?

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Say for example he was eating a bannana - wud someone peel it for him?

When hes been to the bathroom for a wee, does he have staff to pull his fly up?

Does he swear much?




  1. Don't knock him too much....having 'Zorba the Scot' for a Father and some old German tart for a mother can't be easy.

  2. Prince Charles come in Bruxelles on the 14 July 2007 for the best manifestation for the Human Rights. Are you coming to - Departure for civilians (costumes and masks 19e - James Ensor theme - Triumphale Entrance of Christ in Bruxelles - paint in 1889) Street De Pascale 1040 Bruxelles, in the heart of the European Institutions. Prince Charles as Princess Edwige likes natural life, with their private lifes. Do you know the signification of 14 July in the Roman Empire ? It's exactly the date and the month for the fest of freedom for the eclaves' affranchissement by their owners. And not a military's forces demonstration like in France!

  3. this slavery mentalty. this idiotic royal blood sycofancy.

  4. LOLZ!! You are HiLaRiOuS!! People might peel a bannana for him, but I'm most certain that he goes to the bathroom unaccompanied!

  5. his nice actually.

  6. Been to a few parties at his place...bit of a k**b but means well

  7. why not ask him

    try him on myspace

  8. There's a saying in the U.S: Prince Charles is a lot like Paris Hilton, they're both famous for doing nothing.

  9. My friend actually met him when he came to our town to open a special centre. She shouted out "oi, Charlie Boy, hows it going?" He actually came over and spoke to her, he was very friendly, but she said his suit looked abit grubby!!

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