
Whats Rugby?

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  1. It is a kind of football.

  2. rugby is essentially American football only with no pads and when you get tackled the play doesn't stop. it can be a rough game, but it is a gentleman's game. there are rarely fights, and the fans don't riot like soccer hula gins.

  3. rugby is like football just with no pads. once the ball is thrown into a huge dogpile, one side gets it and runs it to an endzone like football, but then its back to the dogpile and the game continues until time runs out.

  4. Rugby is the ORIGINAL form of football. One way to describe it would be a combination of american football and english football. Play is continuous like english football, unless there is a stoppage of play (i.e. penalty, ball goes out of bounds). The contact is like american football but is more controlled.

    When one scores a Try in rugby the ball is touched down in the try zone. Hence Touchdown in American Football. However in rugby it is worth 5 points, and the conversion is worth 2 points. The conversion is kicked at any distance from the try-line directly back from where the ball is touched down. If it is touched down in the corner you kick from the corner, touched down in the middle kicked from the middle.

    This is just the bare minimum about the sport, you'd be better off playing rugby or even watching it with someone that knows the sport to explain all the little details while they happen.
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