
Whats True LoVe?

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what if blame was in time out today tonight? what advantage to the insurance company allmost to eliminate fault . what if humans eliminated blame alltogether just today tonight..what would change?trying here to ask within ? true love or simply love?




  1. True love is a Mythological character.

  2. Read God's definition of love in I Corinthians 13 4-8.

    Love is patient, love is kind.

    It is not proud or selfish.

    It does not boast....

  3. true love......

    when we believe in the strengths of a relationship,but acknowledge its limitations.

  4. i dont thing people gonna understand that.

    if you want someone to answer your question, please

    clear detail. I dont even know what you talking about.

  5. The existence of love is something that everyone takes for granted. We have all been

    reared to believe in this ephemeral concept. If we take a look at what society thinks love is, we

    are likely to be lost in even more ephemeral ideas and concepts.

    Love has become the ultimate pleasure. It is to be sought with no question regarding its

    meaning. Is there a way to find its meaning? This question is simple and complex. The individual

    always has their own answer and it is in this that we find our first stumbling block in the world of

    Life seems to be extraordinarily complex. If we were to look at the world as a collection

    of agreements that function one at a time as they are needed, the complexity breaks down before

    our eyes. When we are children we have no meanings, no definitions to pacify the world of per-

    ceptions that is always before us. Little by little the world is given to us in definition and

    meanings by all that surround us. Even actions and simple motions are to be imitated to the

    minutest degree in order to achieve normalcy.

    Sooner or later we all arrive at a point when other peoples� opinions start to matter. It is

    . . .

    Naturally, this is one of the first agreements we make with ourselves. It also has a way of

    funneling many of our perceptions to a negative polarity, in that when we look to others for

    acceptance and it does not occur. No one can decide for

    another individual what is what. Yet the mind casts its shadow upon such events and leads the feeble creature to

    believe otherwise. Perhaps we are just turning away from feelings we do not want to deal with. Upon

    close examination of relationships in ones life, it is very likely that love had little to do with the

    beginning or end of any of them. Obviously there is no purpose in your life,

    otherwise you would not live in the past� (Krishnamurti). Is this really a disorder? It sounds to me

    that human thinking has made the ideal human its goal and if you or any other person do not fit

    into its mold, then clearly there must be some disorder there!

    The final statement for every person is made by his or herself. At least this is what everyone

    believes! It is the blind leading the blind. You

    have no direction at all; you are just floating. My servant never ceases

    to seek nearness to Me through supererogatory works until I love him. Then, when I love him, I

    am his hearing through which he hears, his sight through which he sees, his hand through which

    he grasps, and his foot through which he walks� (Chittick). One of which is, �I was a treasure

    that was not known, so I loved to be known

  6. Please be more specific.True love is the only guess.

  7. what are you talking about?

    about abolishing guilt in separations?

    there's always at least two responsible for a split up - both did right, and both did wrong. blaming the other one shows lack of understanding, lack of feeling for your (ex-) partner, lack of responsibility and respect.

    true love is love without guilt, without frontiers, without end - even after splitting up. true love is being friends, partners, lovers. being intimate, physical and mental. true love is hard to find, and harder to keep.
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