
Whats Williams Syndrome?

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I remember one day in Science class when we whated this video about these kids with disabilities. the frist one was about kids with Williams Syndrome and it's also in a section in our science books. I'm just interested about it. Dose any one know about this.




  1. Williams syndrome is a genetic disorder characterized by developmental delay, unusual facial appearance, narrowing of the aorta (large artery that leaves the heart) and particular cognitive and personality profiles.

    It is a rare condition caused by missing part of the genetic material on one copy of chromosome 7. The problem is usually caused by a random mutation, so parents may not have any family history of the condition. However, a person with Williams syndrome has a 50% chance of passing the disorder on to each child. It occurs in about 1 in 20,000 births.

    One of the 25 missing genes is the gene that produces elastin, a protein that gives elasticity to blood vessels and other tissues in the body. It is likely that having only one copy of this gene results in the narrowing of blood vessels seen in this condition.

  2. Williams syndrome is similar to autism however unlike autisim, people with williams syndrome are very very social! They understand that theyre different from other people but most of the time are totally ok with it... they have a very distinctive look to them. It isnt something that is common at all.

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