
Whats Your Best Cold Remedy?

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Whats Your Best Cold Remedy?




  1. I bar-tended part time while going to school. The guys, mostly construction would come in with cold ans sniffles, they'd order a hot rum. Two shots of dark rum, two pats of butter and two spoons of sugar.

  2. Single most useful thing I've come across is decongestant spray like Sudafed - really frees up your sinuses and takes the pressure off the front of your head. Mum used to give me honey, lemon juice and cider vinegar mixed with hot water, too, and that usually helps, too. Still have it now!

  3. hot/warm water



    mix up and drink.

  4. hot tea with honey and juice of lemon juice.

    take 1000 mg vitamin C a day

  5. A bottle of Bell's

  6. Nothing works for me when I have a cold. Just plenty of rest and tissues.

  7. Glass of whiskey.Add same amount of hot water.Add two paracodol tablets a teaspoon of honey and half a teaspoon of sugar.Take before going to bed.

  8. I always wrap up warm in a silly thiock coat, open all the windows to let fresh air in and then do the ironing. Sounds ridiculous I know, but you sweat the cold out in no time!

  9. Fresh lemon juice

    grated root ginger (about 1 tbsp)

    1 tbspHoney

    1 tsp Brown sugar.

    Hot water and mix all together - leave to stand for two mins and pour thru a tea strainer to remove the bits - drink!

  10. licorice root , mint , honey , gargling salt water , echinina tea, tall glasses of orange juice.. and if you want to use medicine - alavert.

  11. Vaporizer

    Alka Seltzer

    Lots of Vitamin C


    Very hot chicken broth.

    If you can stand it - put in

    cayenne pepper and parsley.

    And drink lots and lots of water!

  12. Time.

    Never fails.

  13. I believe in prevention rather that cure! I take Echinacea and Vitamin C. I haven't had a cold or flu since taking these tablets.

  14. Take 2 paracetamol up to 4 times a day, drink plenty of clear fluid and wait the 48 hours it takes to go away on its own.

    The following have no effect on either symptoms or duration of colds:- Vitamins, notably high dose vitamin C, garlic, ginger, honey, onions, oranges, lemons, vinegar, alcohol in any form, chicken soup, antibiotics and echinacea.

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