
Whats Your Taughts on "Predictions" of the worlds ending??

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Theres been many predictions from Nostradamus, hes sometimes off with dates so maybe it should be 12/12/2012 @12.12 whaich would be 6yrs, 6 days, 6hours, 6mins, 6seconds since 6/6/06 at 6.06.06am.

George Bush and the american government know more than there letting on also whats in area55?? and MABUS The anti-christ put obama+bush= obaMABUSh. Reply!! I hope u do, ive spent ages looking this up tonight, on youtube ect, thanx btw dad hu told me Nostradamus' name cos i forgot it =]

Thanx 4 reading.




  1. Here's something you're not likely to find.

    What does the year 2027 mean to you?

    2 Peter 3:8

    But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day.

    One "God day" equals one thousand "man years". The day of rest begins after the end of the sixth day, six thousand "man years". Adam was to die the same day he disobeyed God. He died after 930 "man years", or just before the end of the first "God day" and just before the flood. Three "God days" latter, on the forth "God day", four thousand "man years" after the Garden expulsion, Jesus resurrects as Savior. Two "God days" latter, or two thousand "man years", man's toil will end six thousand "man years", or six "God days" after it began with the first sin in the Garden. With the needed adjustments due to modern calendar inaccuracies, that brings the Second Coming, in or around the year 2027. Understand, the calendar begins at the event of Jesus's birth, but He was born approximately six "man years" before historians first thought. This means, two thousand "man years" after Jesus's birth, was in or around the year 1994. Now understand further, if the modern calendar should use a starting point, 33 years later, from His Resurrection, being the more important event, we then should add 33 "man years" to the year 1994, bringing His Second Coming and the end of man's toil, in or around the year 2027. "In or around" is used, for no man should know the exact time or day our Savior will return. This is how it was reasoned and what the year 2027 means to me.

    Please, no arguments over the age of the world. All of man's era of enlightenment falls within these six thousand "man years". Before this, Adam walked with God without time bearing on him or the rest of history. The clock of God's Will starts ticking once Adam eats of the forbidden tree. Faith is our first and most important miracle of which we ourselves perform. It answers all doubt. So don't expect too much of yourself if you're without faith in these matters.

    For the sake of welcoming the Holy Spirit for guidance,


    P.S. If you recognize a correlation between the six thousand "man days" mentioned to the six "God days" of Creation, I think you would be on to something.

    Additional Details

    1 week ago

    I would want to tell you that the period of great tribulation should begin in or around the year 2020, seven years before the approximate time of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ my Lord.

  2. the world is ending - this is a fact - but in which context?

    when the sun dies - the world will end..

    if there is a a tsnami - the world will end..

    a 3rd world war or 4th could be the end of the world........

    there is a big difference, however, in the world ending and the world "as we know it" ending...

  3. I was just watching a documentary about the 21/12/12 situation today and I think that and Nostradamus is a bunch of bullwash. Sorry it is

    interesting in a fun way to look this stuff up but I don't believe in any of it for a moment. It is far too easy to make much to very little and people have been doing that for years with this stuff.

  4. If you're using youtube as a reference you're in trouble

  5. It's a lot of 'who shot John.'  The world was said to be ending years ago.  I was told by a religious friend that we would never see our graduation because the world would end by then.  

    That was 30 years ago. If you go back and see how many times the end was predicted you would be shocked. Check it out for fun:

    Look for index on left scroll down to - About all religions, click on the-end-of-the-world on the left hand side index once in site to bring up article.

    I guess it will remain a mystery until the end...LOL!

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