
Whats a Good Guitar to give??

by Guest62376  |  earlier

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Well im planning on getting one of my friends a guitar..

She doesnt think ill actually buy it..But i know she would really like to learn how to play the guitar.

Anyways the local music store has like 4 Acoustics only..

and well some are over 300$!! which i dont have..

Theirs a Black Stagg Acoustic. Slimmed down body to, The neck isn't thick perfect becouse she has small hands. And well

i was wondering if its a good deal for it being like 120$..

its a full sized guitar..But i think its perfect for her. I just dont know if their might be a better kind out their under the 200$ range since i dont have that much $$




  1. Let me give you some really good advice from a fellow guitarist. A $120 guitar is perfect for a beginner because she may not like guitar as much as you thought she did and only play it a few times. Wait to buy her a more expensive guitar when you have enough money and she shows that she is really interested in guitar. My sister bought a really nice electric fender strat. and only played it for like a month then never played it again. For some reason she won't give me her guitar even though she never plays it. Oh well.

  2. never settle for anything less than a gibson  :)  if you are giving one as a long term investment to create beautiful music, you need a high quality instrument, and prices reflect the quality... good luck to you, though.  :)

  3. 120 is a good deal!

    It might not be the best quality guitar ever, but if she's a beginner it would be a good start :]

    Black Staggs are cool, but you can also consider this:

    Epiphone has another acoustic guitar for only 70 dollars, but its garbage.

    The DR-100 is perfect for starting

    My dad has had it for almost 7 years now, its simply perfect!

  4. Actually 120$ would be considered a steal!

    I have an Alvarez guitar which cost me 300 dollars in the get go. I have small hands for a girl too and it cost me another 100$ just to get it slimmed down! So get it for her :) It's a steal and plus I'm sure she'll love it!

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