
Whats a Good brand of air soft Guns?

by Guest66589  |  earlier

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Where can i buy a good brand of air soft guns at a store that's not online, and what is the brand name.




  1. hey hey hey, thats a hard question, depend on the money you want to spend. the best is good old tokyo mauri. if thats too pricy, go one step down to classic army, they in my opinion are best, but some would beg to differ. if you dont want those,  then get  a STAR, KWA, or any of those guns. may i suggest a CA m15a4 its accurite, with rapid fire, but on the lower end of the spectrum, but a UTG, JG, or an echo 1.  NEVER NEVER NEVER buy any other brand regardless of waht people tell you, the are the top brands with gauranted quality, hands down. obvisolu KWA,  STAR,  classic army, and Tokyo mauri, are the hands down best. but heres just a bit more advice on what to get.

    : \


    KWA; specializes in Gas handguns, and weapons of that sort, if your in this catogory, never over look KWA.

    STAR is more an ll round company, they make insaine sub-machine guns and some decent AR's. also when in search of magazine for your gun, buy from star of any other leading manufactuer, and what not.

    Tokyo mauri,  makes the best if not second to best assault rifles and shotguns there is. and no maurizn and tokyo mauri are differend companys. marizn is a more oldschool weapon and not ment for battle but for collectors peices. but back to tokyo mauri. they are acredited for making the first hop-up units, and also made the fire true AEG.  (automatic electric gun)

    Classic Army, my favorite, hands down unbeatable quality, will compete with any gun their is, and jusgt because a cheap imitator makes a gun with 415fps and CA or TM dont dont make the cheap on better. they used cheap matierals, but no sir, not CA or Tm. they are top notch for players looking for the best bang for your buck. that make the best m16/15 series their is, make a great m249 SAW and the new KRISS. their high cap mags are unbeatable, never double feed, and always will work.

    LOWER END:::::

    Jg, makes a good product, but not worth the money, they use the cheapes plastics and metals. seem to be somewhat acurite but have a problem called barrel wobel. they also jam way more than a CA type weapon.

    Echo 1: they make a slightly better product than JG but what most dont know is that they are the same company with different names. and  jg means golden bow in chinese so thats A  TIP.

    if u must stay in the lower end, UTG is the best route. may i suggest their m14 series. great, snd reliable, but still not CA, TM, KWA, or STAR quality, but they will suffice.

    here are a few more tips::

    Ca and TM are by far the most reliable, and be sure to use an m120 if u need more velocity, its a good all round spring.

    CA means classic army just so you know

    TM means tokyo Mauri

    most name brand and some after market add ons/ upgrades will work in TM's and CA's

    please, plase feel free to contact me at my email,  for more info, good luck and have fun :)

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