
Whats a Vegan?

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Whats a Vegan?




  1. A vegan is a person that chooses not to eat any animal products.  These animal products contain meat, dairy, eggs, and honey.  They also won't eat anything that contains animal ingredients like blood, bones, or anything else.

    Once in a while a vegan will slip up and accidentally eat a troll, but I would never hold them accountable.  It's completely understandable.  We all do sometimes....It's nothing to feel guilty about.  It's summer and we trip over trolls every time we take a step.  It probably does the world a lot of good when we control their population by consuming them.

    The only people who will give me thumbs down are obviously trolls because a normal person understands.

  2. A vegan is a person who doesn't consume any animal prodcuts including eggs, dairy products, meat, or geletain.

  3. First answer is right... vegans don't consume honey either.

  4. A vegan doesn't eat any animal product i.e. honey, casein, lanolin, gelatine, whey, dairy, eggs etc.

    A vegan also doesn't wear any product derived from an animal i.e. suede, fur, leather, feathers etc.

    A vegan also avoids buying brands that test on animals.

    A vegan doesn't believe in using animals for their personal advantage or benefit.

  5. - Vegan:

    A vegetarian who does not eat any animal products. Some vegans even do not use animal products such as wool, leather shoes, belt, & jacket, honey. Also called Pure Vegetarian or Strict Vegetarian.

    - Raw vegan:

    A raw vegan diet consists of unprocessed vegan foods that have not been heated above 115 degrees Fahrenheit (46 degrees Celsius). “Raw foodists” believe that foods cooked above this temperature have lost a significant amount of their nutritional value and are harmful to the body.

  6. Vegans endeavour not consume or use animal products and by-products of any kind, for any purpose.

    Common animal products and by-products include meat, dairy, eggs, honey, fur, leather, wool, silk, gelatin, lanolin, rennet, whey, casein, and beeswax.

    Vegans also try not to use or consume products which exploit animals such as cosmetics tested on animals.

  7. Picky Eater

  8. one who does not eat meat nor anything that would come from any meat producer

  9. a vegan is a person who does not believe in the cruelty to animals. vegans do not consume or use any animal products of any kind.

    here is a website to check out

  10. A person who eats only plant products, eating no meat, honey, dairy products or eggs, is called a vegan (although some vegans do eat honey).

    It's really cool too I love being vegan. Then again I love veggies so it's not too hard...the dairy is a bit of an issue to give up but, I learned a trick so I wont eat or drink any...

  11. Someone who doesnt eat ANYTHING that is from animals, Meat, Milk, Eggs, or anything that you can get from an animal. Just fruits veggies and stuff.

  12. NO animal products at all or anything contain dairy products actually people were only meant to have milk from humans not animals that why you have lactose people
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