
Whats a average time for an amateur to run a marathon and a half marathon?

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Whats a average time for an amateur to run a marathon and a half marathon?




  1. an amateur time for a marathon is about 4 hours and ? mins

      probably less than 5 hours(my coach did it with one week training in 4 hours and 46 mins)

    and half a marathon is probably under 3 hours (my dentist did it with no training at about 2 hours and 37 mins)

  2. This is an interesting question; for the most part in my opinion if you are non-elite a good time for a marathon would be 4 to 4.5 hours and a ½ marathon under 2 hours.  With that being said I want to state that any marathon or ½ marathon anyone finishes is a good time.

    If you are an elite runner or a competitive runner time may be of importance but for most average folk just finishing a marathon is an accomplishment.  Only 1% of runners ever run a full marathon so that in itself makes someone above average whether the finish in 2:15 or 5:15.  

    Never run to someone else’s expectations, run because you want to be the best you can be.  Most of all run to have fun,  not to mention the bragging rights, when all said in done you can call  yourself a marathoner whether you came in first or last.


  3. Average time  is a totally subjective term as one amateur may be better than another. I expect you mean what would be a respectable time. Personally, anything under 3hrs 30m is respectable, under 3hrs is very good.

    Half marathon, I'd expect <1hr 30 due to a faster average speed over the shorter distance. I'm not that tall, with shortish legs, e.g. 5'9" medium/heavy build, ex-rugby loose forward.

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