
Whats a better investment 667 mhz 800 mhz ?

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i was wondering what the difference was in processors with 667 mhz and 800 mhz meaning if i had a processor that was 2.2 ghz/667 mhz and one that was 2.2 ghz/800 mhz would the 800 mhz be faster then the 667? and is it worth investing in getting a 800 mhz over 667 mhz?




  1. Do not listen to the other guy, he is talking about desktop computers, and really dosen't know much about that.

    Now to get to your question.  Most newer notebooks/laptops are 800mhz processors, but on the same hand most places like Best Buy and Circuit City sell those same 800mhz processors with 667mhz ram which in turn you are correct in saying are really only running 667mhz because of the ram.  Now, if you buy a notebook with 667mhz ram, yes you can buy 800mhz ram and install it.  Sometimes that is the cheaper way of getting a laptop for a better price.  In turn, if you buy a laptop with about 3-4gigs of 667mhz ram, no you aren't really saving any money because you paid so much for the 3-4gigs to begin with.  

    I bought my wife a Toshiba for $449 from best buy that had 1gig of 667mhz ram installed.  It has vista premium so it was very sluggish.  I went to and bought a 2gig kit of 800mhz ram and installed it.  The vista score was much lower with only 1gig of 667 obviously but really the speed of the ram actually helped out a big deal...  The gig of 667mhz ram I took out, I basically had to give away.  I put it on ebay 3 times and finially sold it for $10 with $2 shipping.  No body wanted it so it went no sale a couple of times.  You might be able to resale 3 or 4 gigs of 667 easier than I, but you will not make any money off of it anyways, reason is 667 isn't really a upgrade.  

    Now things to look at.  Most laptops do not come with a small memory package unless they come with a slow processor.  Like my wifes came with a Pentium dual core processor 1.6ghz...  If you want a core2duo most of they do not put that processor in a cheap package so you automatically get 2 gigs.   My point is just go with the best processor you can afford and then look to upgrade the ram if you need to later.  Secret is there is no differance in actual price from 667mhz to 800mhz, just the stores and such like to make an extra $100 on the 800mhz...

    2gigs 667mhz

    2gigs 800mhz

  2. 800MHz and 667MHz are out of date. You can get an awesome intel dual-core with a 1066MHz or maybe even a 1333MHz FSB for $120.  

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