
What`s a better pet? A puppy or a kitten? Can you explain?

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What`s a better pet? A puppy or a kitten? Can you explain?




  1. I would have to say a puppy.

    But it matters on you. While I personally feel dogs make much more better pets, they also need much more work. You must put a lot more into training a dog than you put into a cat.

    Also, cats generally cost less in the long run.

    But in the end, I feel dogs make the best companions a person could ask for.

  2. They are both amazing pets! Here are some good things about both of them.

    Kittens- Most kittens are very snuggly. They are so beutiful. And if you get a nice kitten then they will not get in fights with the other dogs and cats in your neighborhood!

    Puppies-Puppies are very playful and fun to wrestle if they are big. They are very loyal! Dogs really love there owner! They are VERY cute!!!!

    But both kittens and puppies are a handful. You really need to be responsible! Here are the hard things about them!


    A kitten that can go outdoors-They love to hunt and spring. So if you want it to be an outdoor cat. The cat will probably bring you some dead mice or rats!

      A puppy that can go outdoors- You will have to pick up all of its poo! And when they are puppies they tend to nip at you when they get excited. So if you have little kids you will have to teach the puppy not to nip at them!

    Indoor Kittens- You will have to teach the kitten to use the litter box which can be a pain in the butt!

    Indoor Puppy- It is very hard to have an indoor dog. Almost impossible. They love going outside and love running around! They really need there excersize!

    So I really don't know which one you want but maybe that will help!!

    thanks -Shayla

  3. They are both really nice but from my point of view I think a puppy because they will always be happy and jumpy but when a kitten is older it would just be boring and lazy

  4. it depends on where you live.

    if you live in an apartment, a kitten is a much better choice.

    if you have more room outside, go with a puppy.

    it all depends on your lifestyle

  5. It depends on your lifestyle, what you want out of your pet and what you are willing to do for it. A dog is needier than a cat is; it needs outdoor exercise, a place to p**p, etc. If you live in an apartment, a dog might be more work because you will need to take it outside at least once a day to go to the bathroom - additionally some apartments have regulations on what size and type of dog you can have. A cat requires less work in that they don't even have to be let outside, (litter box for potty) so this is a thought if you live near a busy street.  but a cat might not give you as much attention as a dog would - cats are much more independent and tend to do things on their own terms.

  6. It mostly depends on what type of person you are.   Cats are very low maintanence, they take care of themselves and they love to be pet constantly.  Puppies on the other hand are just like children, you have to potty train them, you have to give them lots of attention or they'll destroy your house, they want to play constantly.  If you're willing to put in the time and effort into properly training your dog, the results will be very rewarding.  But if you don't have the time or the willpower to put in that much work, cats are definitley the best way to go.

  7. It really does depend. Puppies tend to be higher maintenance when they're young - you have to house train them and take them out every few hours while kittens learn the litter box naturally.

    Puppies are somewhat more rewarding in the affection department - they're usually very outgoing and expressive while kittens are cute and can show affection, but generally more reserved.

    Cats are very economical about space - they don't need to go outside, and running around the apartment and climbing is usually sufficient exercise while even small dogs benefit from a yard to run in.

    Dogs can be difficult to keep with children, especially young children that have a tendency to grab at tender ears or pull tails. Cats sometimes have the ability to stay out of reach and will do less damage with their claws than 60 lb Fifi will do with her teeth - not to say that cats can't harm children seriously.

    Cats, if you get more than one will stay more kitten-like, especially if you get them at the same time. Single adult cats tend to be more aloof and distant, but cats that grow together from kittens keep each other acting young.

    I prefer cats to dogs because I live in a small apartment with an infant, and I'd rather clean a litter box after work than wake up at 3am for my boy's feeding AND a dog walk.

  8. It depends on your needs.  A cat is much more self contained.  You can leave for a week long trip, and leave a huge bowl of food and a huge bowl of water (or several, in case one gets spilled), and your cat will be just fine.  If you have the time to walk a dog every day, or the fenced in back yard, then by all means get a pup, but you'll have to arrange for someone to keep it, or at least come feed and check on it daily, if you ever go out of town.  Enjoy your pet!

  9. puppy

  10. I like cats better just for the simple fact they take care of themselves, you don't have to take them out constantly, though I have 4 dogs and 3 cats, I find my cats more enjoyable. The dogs bark at any little noise during the night.

  11. well i think if you have a backyard a cat is a good choice you need some leaves in the backyard because cats can hide their mess but dogs just p**p anywhere

  12. It really depends on you. Kittens and puppies both have personalities, yes.

    If you get a puppy, you are pretty much guaranteed a loyal companion who will be ready to play when you are. BUT--puppies do take effort and work. They need to be trained to potty outside (or on the paper...your choice) and to let you know when they need to potty. This takes time and patience on your part.

    If you get a kitten, you've got a cuddly, furry lap companion who may enjoy his/her alone time as well. Kittens are pretty easy to train. In my experience, I've been able to simply show the kitten the litter box, and it was "trained."

    That being said, think about how much time and patience you have and are willing (and able) to dedicate to your new pet. Think about the kind of interaction you want to have with your pet as well.

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