
Whats a better skim board? Zap Wedge or Pro?

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I weigh about 150. i wanna skim shallow and deep, maybe catch a wave here and there. and when i skim i wanna skim far...not 20ft then stop...any suggestions between the 2? Wedge or Pro??




  1. The wedge is a good beginner/intermediate board, perfect for sand skimming, good for catching a wave 'here and there'. I ride a medium wedge and like it a lot for sand skimming.You would need a large wedge for your size. The board is really durable. If you're just getting into skimming, I think you'll like the way this board performs, especially in comparison to the cheaper wood boards.

    The pro is much more're talking around $259 compared to around $130 for a wedge. It is designed for larger riders, so you'd be able to get away with the medium pro. If you're a really serious rider, are really into wave riding, and not afraid to drop some cash, go for the pro.

    Otherwise, the wedge is a good board. Don't think you can go wrong with a Zap, just depends on your ability.

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