
Whats a child recruiter?

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Look at staff person number 3 and notice her "description" can anyone define to me what a "child recruiter" would be?

" the Child Recruiter and Family Service Coordinator."




  1. OK. Gershom, I'll bite.  It is likely the person in charge of recruiting (identifying, educating, training) adoptive families for older chilldren.

  2. Here's a thought, on that web page there is a link for if you have a question, you can contact them and ask them. So my suggestion would be instead of speculating and assuming what a Child Recruiter and Family Service Coordinator is and does, ask them.

    Of course, it takes all the fun away of assuming the worst, but then you would know, and as G.I. Joe says, "Knowing is half the battle."

  3. Well if it's anything like a military recruiter, it sounds like a person that actually tries to find children to put into the system. That sounds all sorts of wrong if you ask me. That's awful.

  4. In my agency a recruiter (which I have been one) recruits families for our kids.

    Since we place foster kids, we sadly don't have to go looking for anymore children.

    Of course, we don't do voluntary adoptions.

    You know "Concerned Grandmother".....I'm an adoption social worker...I made a resounding $23,207 my first year out of college...for working on call 24/7, driving to court, testifying having abusive birth parents tell me they would kill me.

    The year I started my job, an evil social worker was struck in the back in the head repeatedly and killed because she refused to give up the location of children that had been pulled from an abusive home (personally, I'd have lied but it might not have made a difference)

    I make no apologies for what I do.  I place children who have been removed by people who cared more about drugs than them..who beat them like dogs, who sold them for s*x.  (I don't really feel that way about all the birth parents, most were as much victims as their kids at some point)

    I don't find myself to be quite so evil!  Maybe in your world the kids should have been left there...not mine!

    People should be aware that not everyone that calls themself a social worker is indeed an educated social worker.  Some are simply case managers or workers, some are attorneys....

    Not every social worker is out there for money...some of us actually love the kids we work for and the parents too.

  5. A Child Recruiter is one of the crowd drooling to get into high schools to tout the benefits of adoption to minors and to influence guidance counselors to channel easily influenced young girls into their adoption indoctrination programs (aka "adoption planning").  That is how this agency got the Bennette baby.  The teen mother's high school counselor hooked them up.  If I were the Bennettes, I would be using the a$$ off the counselor and the school.  Hopefully they are.

    Sadly, high school counselors are seen as a path to get a baby away from a young mother.  How many posts have we seen on Y!A where adoptive parents are advised to send baby begging letters to high school counselors?  I thought that counselors are bound by a code of ethics?  Yes?  No?

    Their site is repulsive.  They even have the indoctrination process flow-charted and they call expectant mothers "birth" mothers.  The part that really cracks me up is that the "birth" family counselor is not even a "birth" mother.

    Sick, sick, sick.  I hope this disgusting lot of adoption workers have to find real jobs and stop lining their pockets by taking advantage of situations like the Bennette family.

    ETA - jm1970 - Note that nowhere above will you find the term social worker to describe the employees of this agency.  It would be an insult to social workers to do so.  I politely called them adoption workers and could not bring myself to type in the words that describe what they really are.

  6. Thats bizarre.  I mean it is pretty clear what she does, but most agencies call them "birthmother intake coordinators".

  7. i think these are the people who troll high schools, malls and supermarkets looking for pregnant girls.


    look at the bio of the second person.

    her husband is an adoption attorney?  and this person is someone we should assume will give non-biased advice and support women who change their minds?   yeah, right. wow,

    talk about keeping it in the family.

    ETA: that is the most confusing flow chart, every.  i feel like one would need a training class, just to understand the d**n thing...

    ETA: re erin: WOW! these reviews are shocking!  i think anyone considering adoption should read them.  i was especially moved by the first posting.  it rang incredibly familiar to my situation. but...i also noticed that many of the "disgruntled clients" were indeed aparents who felt like they were duped out of a baby cause the mom's changed their minds, especially the post that wrote about the baby rooming in; hence caused the failed placement.. i'm not sure how to take that one.

  8. child can some people sleep at night knowing the things they are word alone reminds me of a puppy mill...for those of you fighting to change things...I really hope you succeed...if I can ever help in any way...just let me know.....and to those fighting for the right things and making changes...I do apologize for being so stubborn and defensive when I first came in here...I had no clue in the beginning just how bad things were....god bless all of you...even the ones that stir things up

  9. Child Recruiter....sadly...sounds like someone who tries to find pregnant girls and recruit their children for the program.  So reprehensible!!!  I think it is important to notice that there is another "Child Search Specialist" who specifically works with  finding kids already in the public system.  This "company" is the one writing the job descriptions and making the distinction.  It sound like two completely different jobs to me.

    How handy that one employee is married to an Adoption Attorney.  

    Why do they have a mass Communications and Telecommunications and ADVERTISING specialist???

    The ONLY adoptee working for this "company" is the BIRTH PARENT COUNSELOR.  


  10. Okay, that sounds really disgusting!

    The only thing that could possibly be okay here is if it is just a p*ss poor way to say that her job is to find children in foster care who need permanent adoptive homes. This agency apparently does do that, so I'm just hoping that is what they are saying--in a very poor way. Because the other is just too disgusting, and should be illegal. I mean, would they actually admit that on their website? (do it, yeah, but admit it?)

    And the 6th one down is also worrisome: "Child Search Specialist for the Public program. Kim’s focus is to identify children that are currently available for adoption through the Replacement Program."  Replacement Program?!?!

    And also, what is up with the first one having "two children, Morgan and Evan as well as one adoptive daughter named Grace who came home at the age of 17 years." So, Grace is not counted as her child? Hmmm...

    Oh, and part of the basic mission of the organization: "Our family wants to help you do what is best for your family, be it placing a child for adoption or becoming an adoptive parent." Um, but isn't it possible that "what is best" is the mother keeping her child? Not EVER?!!

    They seem to be completely clueless and also illiterate, because they are using language in a very worrisome way. But I think (hope) that they are "recruiting" the children from foster care.

    ETA: Omigod, this is THAT agency!!! I take it back then, they probably are trying to "recruit" children who aren't even born yet. I'm right back to disgusting! And I'm adding on "stupid."

  11. A predator

  12. I noticed that under the "are you pregnant" tab, there is a section on opened adoption. In this section there are questions as to whether the bio family can be part of the adoptive family with out butting in basically. Then if you go under the "want to adopt" tab there is no subcategory in reference to having biofamily in your life. I could not find anything under that heading that asked the same questions in regard to the birth family being part of an opened adoption. How strange.

  13. Yes, this agency is disgusting.  I've heard a lot about it.

    Here's a website where people review agencies that I was looking at a few days ago.  There's a link for birthmother reviews so that people can see how birthmothers were treated by different agencies.  It's eye opening.

  14. Umm...  I think it is just what it says.  Yikes.

    Heather H:  My eyes are opening up a bit- I agree with your post.


    ERIN L:  Thanks so much for the link.  I just looked up the agency I used and it was in the TOP of the BEST list.  :-)

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