
Whats a comeback when people call you emo? ?

by  |  earlier

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People at school call me emo cause of my hair, cause it hangs over my eyes sometimes, and im not even emo i dont even have black hair, im a blonde!

Whats a good comeback to: hey emo

or : u cut your wrist

i know i should ignore them but meh. i wat a comeback

plz help.




  1. Well you could always use a come back but don't stoop down to their level. Be the mature one. Act all happy. ( :  

  2. I rarely say " go fuque your mother and maybe she'll have children with intelligence". But I highly discourage animosity.

  3. just turn to them and say with a bored look "what about it, you jealous?" or just simply say f*ck you and walk away

  4. Isn't being an emo cool

  5. I find it helps to be UBER sarcastic:

    "Yeah. You wouldn't realize how much money I spend on eyeliner and razors."

    "But learning how to cut without bleeding on the carpet is such a useful skill!"

    Things of that nature.

  6. say "and how does that affect you life? " lol

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