
Whats a fun/stupid thing to do with firecrackers?

by  |  earlier

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just got some bottle rockets, smoke bombs, roman candles, those spinny lighty upy things, and some things that come in packs that go boom.

if anyone can thinkof anything fun to do with these things, or something like that.

yeah. that would be great if you could tell me




  1. I wouldn't recommend this, because it is dangerous.  So, I am telling you: DO NOT TRY THIS!!

    But 40 years ago, when I was about your age, I'd take a used soup can and put a 3/8" hole in the bottom end with a hammer & s***w driver (the other end was already removed).  

    Next, go to an open area (we used the street) and set a 5 gallon bucket down, with about two inches of water in it.  Place the soup can upside down in the bucket.  The can should be sticking up about an inch above the water on the side with the small hole.

    Place an unlit firecracker into the small hole so most of it is inside the can, with the fuse sticking up.  The firecracker should be just above the water line, so it won't get wet.  Hint: the tighter the fit, the better this works,

    Light the firecracker, step back and the can will shoot up in the air as high as a telephone pole.  You can even catch the can with your bare hands.  

    Now remember, when I was a kid back in the 60's this was acceptable behavior for a teenager.  Alas, now it is not....

    So, I wouldn't recommend this, because it is dangerous.  

    And, I am telling you: DO NOT TRY THIS!!

  2. lmao.

    You sound like a kid I know...

    It's against my judgment to tell you anything, sorry.

  3. one thing i think is fun is to stick it in the ground until just the fuse is sticking out

    then light it and get away unless you want to be hit by high-speed mud

    when it explodes it makes an almost perfect crater

    just remember safety comes first

  4. leave em alone before you get hurt really bad......

  5. Whatever you DO?      Think safety before lighting them up !

  6. Well, two years ago on New Years eve my friends little 9 year old sister decided to open up 200 packs of firecrackers and put them all in a basket next to where everyone was sitting and some fireworks she was setting off on the street sparked the 200 next to everyone and all went off ON us. Thats pretty stupid.

  7. Before you decide to use firecrackers read the following:

    Amputation, third degree burns, loss of sight, loss of hearing ... sound like battlefield injuries, an industrial accident or maybe a car crash? How about the aftermath of an off-duty get-together of a few friends or family members -- no way, guess again! These are real life, recreational fireworks injuries seen by military and civilian physicians during their professional careers. Seemingly innocuous sparklers, firecrackers and bottle rockets exact a toll of pain and suffering on thousands of Americans each year. Unwitting children often make up a large segment of those victimized, and the physical and emotional scars often last a lifetime.

    Superficial burns to the fingers and hand from simply handling the lighting devices or from faulty fuses

    A blinding injury from an off-course bottle rocket

    A third degree burn on the lower extremity from a roman candle that ignited a patient's clothing

    A complete amputation of an index finger from a "homemade" super firecracker

    Fireworks account for an average of 10,000 reported injuries annually. Firecrackers top the list as the cause of these injuries. Firecrackers account for approximately 51% of all injuries followed by skyrockets at 12%, common sparklers at 7%, according to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, National Electronic Injury Surveillance System


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