
Whats a gatekeeper in MMA?

by  |  earlier

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I have heard the term used and kinda get what it meants,but can someone give me a good definition of what a gatekeeper in mma is and who are some good examples of gatekeepers in ufc or just in mma in general. thanks :)




  1. there is one term related to gatekeeper that I know, basically an experienced 3rd rate fighter that they use to test whether a fighter the organization just acquire is up to task to play with the 'big boys'

    UFC for example have been using Elvis Sinosic as their Gatekeeper. He was used to test Forrest Griffin and I think he was last used against Michael Bisping.

    Other fighter that can be put as gatekeeper is Marvin Eastman who was used to test Quinton Jackson and last time Terry Martin

    Gatekeepers usually have been around for quite some time and they're experienced fighters who know what the fight game is about yet they're not  good enough to be a champion material (either they're too old or for whatever other reason)

    They're used, as the term 'gatekeeper' suggest to test whether these potentially big fighter can go thru them and go on to bigger challenges or not.

    Lots of time the tested fighters might get thru the gatekeepers, but there are times when they just failed.

  2. hes the guy that open and shuts the door of the octagon

    i think thats all he does , maybe rings the bell ( the last 10 sec)

  3. A gatekeeper is a veteran fighter, with a respectable record, who just cant seem to come through against top rated competition; these fighters are used to more or less initiate up-and-comers into an organization. Gary Goodridge was one of the great gatekeepers when Pride was still running...I don't really know who could be called the Gatekeeper of the UFC.

  4. Gate Keeper ROTFL.............

    Why not a grim reaper or the hounds of h**l for that fact?

    The Ref is just a guy that checks for mouth piece, properly wrapped hands, and your cup dude either before you get into the cage or as you're entering the cage then he keeps the fight moving along as well as makes sure no rules are broken....If you want to call him a "Gate Keeper" or "Crypt Keeper" that's your thing I guess .....but man that was pretty hilarious .....good one.

    I personally think the "cornerman" should be called "Cage Master" but hey they just won't listen to me dude and the coach should be called "The instruction screamer" or maybe to make it sound more "goth" even call him the "Voice of Steel" ...yeah that sounds cool..........hehehehe

    The Ref should be called the "Di*K Checker" because he always asks fighters to tap on their cup when they enter the cage and a lot of Refs suck out loud any way bunch of "di*k checkers"  One of these days I'm going to have one of my fighters go in there and tap on their cup and say to the Ref, "Do you hear deez balls of steel homes?" just for the pure fun of it.

  5. ok a gate keeper is the guy between the champion/contenders and the rest of the guys at weight class usually  the reference of a gate keeper is the guy you fight after you win a few fights in the UFC to see if your ready for title shot example tito ortiz was a gate keeper at 205 matt hughes is one at 170 you get a few fights in the UFC fight nights under card of the pay per  views then you get on the main pay per view card if your winning they may set you up to fight the "gate keeper" of the division see if your ready for the upper class of the division look at hughes-alves

    Alves was on 5 figth win streak wiht lesser known oppents in the UFc for the most part he lok good he got his chance with hughes who is aging but is still a very technical fighter same with ortiz machida justa test see if your ready for the "big boys" of the class

    Gate keeper can also be a test see if your ready for that promotion or leval king of the cage does that alot gives guys with good records a figth with a good but not great guy in there promotion see if your ready for bigger shows

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