
Whats a good .22 for a new shooter?

by Guest59561  |  earlier

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My girlfriend likes to go shooting with me, the problem is I only have one rifle she is comfortable shooting its a cheap old worn out .22 bolt action. Anyhow i'm probably going to get one for her to shoot, I thought about another AR 15 since they don't kick, but they are a bit heavy and cost a lot.

I was thinking about a .22 semi auto bull barrel of some kind. So if anybody has one they know something about, let me know how you like it!

Thanks in advance.




  1. If it's in your price range look at the little .22 caliber lever action that

    Browning has been putting out for years and years. They may be a bit more expensive (but a nice used one would be great too). I have had mine since I was a kid and I love that gun. It's the lightest, sweetest shooting gun I have and I love it. What is great about it for women and children is the shortness of the lever action. I can literally use one finger and eject the casing with it easily. The lever action is very short (maybe 2 inches). For my kids I put in a Remington shell called a C-Bee if you are not familiar but they are the shortest of shorts and have no report at all. Hope this helps.


  2. I know everyone saying 10/22 but the best 22 is the cz 452 there an awersome bolt action with a wide varity just type cz into google and being a bolt action she will enjoy it more then just loading and pulling the trigger  

  3. Remington Nylon, It is a very light, very easily maintained.  I have used one for over 25 years.or the Ruger 10/22. I own both and really like both.  A fun little 22 is the Henry Survival. It was originally made for the Air Force as a survival rifle and called the AR-7. It breaks down into three parts, stock, receiver, barrel. The barrel, 2 clips, and receiver store in the stock  which floats.  I take one camping and fishing with me all the time.  Any one of the three would be good.  But for the Lady I would get the Remington. They come in black or brown, One is clip fed the other tube fed.

    Good luck

  4. A ruger 10/22 is a nice gun a would work well

  5. Ruger 10/22's outstanding reliability make it hard to beat.

  6. A Ruger 10-22 is a great choice. It's a very accurate gun right out of the box and there are a lot of modifications available to customize it.

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