
Whats a good Betta diet?

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I got a male betta a month ago and have him in a 2.5 gallon tank. I am feeding him two betta bites in the morning and two at night. Also sometimes i give him dried blood worms. Is this an OK diet for a betta or should i give him something else?

What is a good high Protein food for fish?




  1. Flake food is not good for them, and Bio Gold Pellets are fine, and your diet sounds good, too. Try frozen Blood worms, they like it better


      Moon Wolf

  2. Try flakes, not pellets and only feed it once a day. otherwise, its fine

  3. that sounds about right.

    as for high protien food? you'l have to look at the labels of different betta food

    and dont feed flake food like the first person to answer said. bettas dont normally like flakes and they make the water very dirty

  4. The pellets are specially formulized for Bettas.  I would offer live or frozen brine shrimp, wingless fruit flies, and freeze-dried tubifex worms about 3 times a week.  The naturally stalk insects and baby fish in the wild, so including these is good for them.  Even chopped up red worms, if they've been properly cleaned.

  5. I feed my bettas 6-7 Hikari Bio-Gold pellets per day.  Once a week, they get a treat instead of the pellets, such as frozen bloodworms, brine shrimp or mysis shrimp.  Also, they only get fed 6 days a week, to give their digestive systems time to clear out.

    Also, DON'T feed bettas flake food, it's not good for them.

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