
Whats a good age for a girl to start wearing makeup?

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Whats a good age for a girl to start wearing makeup?




  1. 16 or 17

    i go for the natural look

  2. 14 and up

  3. 13

  4. 15-16...personally i think a too young girl with make up doesnt look too great as well as the fact that entering puberty and acne issues...u wanna get through the harder part with out the extra stuff blocking ur u want make up as a 13-14 yr old girl id say wear just mascara and lip gloss...otherwise it looks really odd to me at least...and always ger ur brows until u can do the same thing urself, by a professional brow waxer/threader/shaper what ever u choose...if u dont wanna wax do threading it is a lot neater and natural looking n e ways.

  5. 16. or maybe even earlier.

  6. i started around 8th grade with a little bit of lightly colored eyeliner and the basic foundation/coverup.  But I have to say, I am 16 and I went for the natural look this summer, went a lil over a month without wearing makeup, and not only is it easier, but you begin to find the beauty in it as well.

  7. Well I was 11 when I started using make up.  But it all depends on what ur mother says.

  8. 16-17 in my opinion.  

  9. 15...

  10. it all depends what ur mother says.

    she got me influenced when i was like 6!

    she always used to love putting makeup on me! hehe

    but shes a girly girl so she was very influential

    im 13 and 14 in a week


  11. eh, about 15 or 16.

  12. 13.

    Or whenever you feel ready, and after you learn how to do it properly without looking S****y.


    Hope I helped.

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