
Whats a good age to get my son tested for adhd/?

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Whats a good age to get my son tested for adhd/?




  1. You can have him assessed for ADHD doesn't mean he will have it though... depending on the child's age i would seek advice from your doctor

  2. If you are concerned about it, the age he is now.

  3. now

  4. As soon as you notice the symptoms....

  5. You should have this done as soon as possible if this is something you think may be a concern.  If you can get him tested before going to school and get him on appropriate diet and/or medication your life and his will be much better.  Be prepared to answer honestly some deep questions about his behavior and time on task.  If he is already in school, the doctor may ask his teachers to complete a questionnaire too.  The one with which I am familiar is Connors and the parents, teacher and psychologist all observe and scale the child's behavior.  You can take the forms to the doctor for the final diagnosis.  Some states allow students be have special education accommodations to aide an ADHD child in the classroom and during formal testing.  Don't think that once he gets out of elementary school he will be cured.  It doesn't work this way in most cases.  His meds will need to be reassessed each year or sometimes more frequently so that as he grows he gets the correct dosage.  Don't believe half the stuff about the side effects and absolutely don't talk about it in front of him.  Don't let ADHD become an excuse for his failure to complete assignments or reach goals.  He has a medical condition that he may keep the rest of his life.  He will have to deal with these issue in real life.

  6. Feed the boy good healthy foods and he won't have any problems.  No junk foods and no sweets.

    Remember, boys are active and rambunctious - girls aren't.

  7. My sons were 3 and 5 when they were diagnosed with ADHD. You need to find a qualified pediatrician-someone who is knowledgable on the subject because it is a serious disorder and medication can help manage but only if it is needed.

  8. when you notice possible signs is a good time. but some things are a regular part of childhood. but listen to your instincts and find a good counselor to test your child.

  9. 8-10 before they are done with grader in between grade school  if there no so hyper 3grade if they are very hyper 1st grade like we did with my daughter alex

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