
Whats a good age to have children?

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I'm 22 graduated in my first career & my boyfriend is 29. What age would be good for us?




  1. The truth is only u know the answer to tht question.  the best time is when ever u r ready.  i think 22 to 30 is a good age range though.

  2. Put it this way, you are never going to regret it - so timing really doesnt matter too much. You may struggle slightly if you are not properly settled and you may feel like you have missed out on some times - but in the long term it wont matter at all. All you will care about is your new little baby. If you are secure in your relationship then you are probably ready emotionally.  

  3. i was 21 with my first and 25 with my second.. sometimes i feel like i was too young and should have waited a few more years to enjoy freedom!  haha.. but if you think you've experienced enough and you're ready, go for it!

  4. I started at 25 and my boyfriend was 31.  That was the right time for us.  

  5. i always said the best age was about 22 - 24. but it always depends on the person, on where their ready. Only you will know x x

  6. I am 20 and I have a 5 month old and another on the way and that was a perfect age for me. I am completely content with my whole life. You will know when it is right for you. You two should discuss it, the things you might want to do beforehand and stuff. good luck!

  7. 25 or 26...the younger u are, the less problems ull have in pregnancy, and ull also have more enegery hav ing ur first kid at 25 instaead of 35.

    my neighbor had her first at 34 or 35 and has no energy!

    it also depend son how many kids u want....if u want three 25 or 26 is good becuase then u space it out 3 years between each and ur done having kids by 32/33...

    good luck!

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