
Whats a good age to have your first child?

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My husband and I are both 23, we've been married 1 year, we want to have kids, but Im thinking maybe in about two years when we're both 25. Is that a good time? Wait longer? Wait shorter?




  1. well im 23 and i have a beautifull 8 month old baby boy, only u can decide wen u want to hav kids, jus tmake sure that ur financially stable coz babies can be very expensive. also if u feel as though u want to travel with u hubby or just spend more time together then id say wait for a coule of years coz wen u have kids u wont get that type of freedom, looking after kids is really tough job, it keeps u on ur toes, sleepless nights, babies r very demanding but its a wonderful experience being a mom and i wouldnt change it for the world. gudluck hun x

  2. There is no real age. It depends on the couple. I would advise anyone to make sure they are financially able to give a baby what they need, have a stable relationship between the parents, and mostly, you have to be mature enough to be a good parent. Be able to give a child love and patients and lots of your time.

  3. When you are financially stable and mentally prepared, go for it. THere is no real particular age to have kids, it all depends on where you are in life....Good Luck

  4. when you have done everything you have wanted to do in life and you can finanical and mentally look after them, giving them a great start in life

  5. I think 25+ is great age to have children at. That way you and your husband have more time to be married and just be the 2 of you before the family dynamic changes. My husband and I waited 3 years after we got married to start trying.

  6. My husband and I are both 23 and I am 11 weeks pregnant with our first.

    I thought we'd be 25 before we started a family .. but I couldn't wait!!  Lol.

    If you feel like you are ready for it now, then I think you should.  If you are even slightly thinking you should wait two years, then wait.  

    Maybe just do some serious talking with your husband and see what you both think is best.

    Good luck!

  7. As long as you are ready, mentally and physically then why not? I had my first baby at 19, second at 21 and have the energy to deal with them. I have loads of fun and give my girls the best I can. I am married to their dad and even though I am a young mother, I feel it was the best decision for me. At the time we had our own house (mortgaged) and were working and bringing a fair wage in. I dont feel I missed out as I was already in a committed relationship, and would rather have the years with my children than waiting until im 35 and too old to enjoy my grandkids!

  8. When you are both ready and I don't mean that you both think when it would be fun!  You should both attend some parenting classes. It would also do you worlds of good if you had friends with children to discuss the pros and cons.  It also would be great if as a couple volunteered for babysitting for them and yes even for overnight stays.  Babies are cute and cuddly and give you more love than you can possibly imagine, but they come with many expenses such as child care, food, diapers and needless to say require 100% of your attention and your love.  I do not believe there is a certain age to start a family, but there is definately a maturity level and tons of patience is a must.  This will be your child for the rest of your life and huge responsibilty.  Good luck to you both.

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