
Whats a good anti pick pocket tool?

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are there any specialized wallets out that that strap on or any good tips on how not to get pick pocketed




  1. Yes they are called money belts, they are small pockets you wear under your pants to keep money and credit cards in if you are traveling to another country.

  2. Put anything you don't want lifted into your front pocket(s) and then put your hand(s) in there too.

  3. Well yes as the person above me said, money belts but you can always just not keep your wallet in your back pocket, keep valued possessions in front of you or side pockets cuz they're tighter and you'll feel it better. Also the infamous 1990 f***y pack, those pouches you wear around your waste than just don't carry large amounts of money on you and just be knowledge of your surroundings...

    they're are also wallets that attach to your belt loop (like chain wallets but thiner)

    but the best idea is, not to have pockets and look poor haha jk

    hope it help

  4. a sharp eye and an aggresive face

  5. Although there is no fool proof method to prevent losing money or other valuable items there are steps that can be taken to limit this possibility:

    - of course the first thing is to never leave any items unattended, even for a few moments.  On a trip I was on a person put their camera down on a bench, turned away for a few seconds, then turned back to find their camera gone.  Carry your camera on a strap securely around your neck or wrist.  If not when not using it place it in a secure pocket in your clothing.  This is also true for cell phones, Ipods and any other easily "lost" items.

    - never carry your wallet in a back pocket, it is easy to steal and also bad for your back.

    - never carry your wallet or other valuables in a backpack or similar item if it can be helped.  If you have to make sure that there is a secured pocket you can place them in and, if possible, a combination lock to further secure the zippers can be purchased at many travel stores.  As mentioned above, never leave it unattended.

    - do not carry all of your money in your wallet and remember that travellers cheques are safer and a credit card generally has a built in limit that you are responsible for if you notify the credit card company.

    - place your wallet in an inside pocket if possible, preferably one that is secured by velcro, button or zipper, many jackets with this feature are available.

    - if you cannot do this (i.e. too warm) wear pants/shorts with a secured pocket and place your wallet in there.

    - if you need to bring it with you, carry excess money in a money belt secured under your clothing, only carry cash to meet your immediate needs in your wallet.  If you do not need it check for safety deposit boxes at your hotel or in room safes and store extra cash/documents in there.

    - place ID and other travel documents in the money belt as well if you do not have a secure pocket, losing them can cause more headaches than losing some cash.  

    - for a woman, carry a mans wallet or a small purse that can be placed in a secured pocket, one less thing to worry about and it may save you a lot of headaches.  

    Certain stores sell clothing designed for travel and they often have secure or hidden pockets in them for wallets and other items.  In addition there are pants with secret compartments where small amounts of currency can be hidden in case of an emergency.  There are wallets that can be attached to your pants with a cable as well as cables that can be purchase to attach to existing wallets.  Remember though that the wallet itself has to close firmly.  There are also metal lined wallets that prevent electronic data on cards from being read until you remove the cards.  This is useful if you carry the type of card that does not have to be swiped to be read.

    The most important thing is to be aware of your surroundings.  Large crowds where a lot of jostling is going on are easy places for a pickpocket to operate.  Remember too that they often work in teams with one distracting and one removing.

    So far I have been lucky in my travels and have not lost any money.  I try to take as many of the precautions I mentioned above as possible which may, or may not, have been responsible for no losses to date.

  6. There are specialized wallets that have a short length of dog-leash-style chain on them that then clip to your belt, and also suede or corduroy wallets are much harder to slip out of a pocket because they are not slippery like leather. Also, as an ex-New Yorker, I can tell you that you should NEVER keep your wallet in your back pocket when in any kind of crowd, like in a store or on a bus or subway, keep it in your FRONT pocket and you cut your pickpocketing chances to near-zero. Also, pickpockets work in pairs or teams, so if you're in a crowded place and anything odd happens, like someone bumps into you, or someone drops an armload of packages, or a little scuffle fight breaks out, the first thing you should do is check your wallet or purse because those kind of diversions are usually a set-up so a pickpocket can work the crowd while everyone's distracted. Also watch out if someone stops you on the street for any reason, like to ask for directions... while you're talking to them, their partner is cleaning you out!

  7. If you are carrying your wallet in your pocket, wrap a couple of thick elastic bands around it

    makes it hard to get out of a pocket unnoticed

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