
Whats a good army MOS for a male who cant read great????

by Guest66902  |  earlier

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Whats a good MOS for a male who cant read great? My hubby is going tomorrow to find out what jobs he can choose from, but he has a hard time reading he barley passed the asvab and it was kinda hard for him. But he is very smart in the way of mechanics and electronics, so if you have any good advice please let me no, and if u have negative answers please keep them to your self!

Thanks to everyone else!




  1. A Good mech is always an asset, as is a good Motor T Driver/operator... and you get qualified for a CDL, translates to a good civvy job, for later.

    88M, or even 88U Railway Operations Crew member.. something different, and RR jobs are good as a civilian.

    EDIT: He may really want to talk to them about 88U then, the railroad is still a good civvy job, and it's pretty open in the Military... of course, he could also look at mechanic jobs, and food services... his reading may be "slow" but he passed the ASVAB, regardless of the score, he passed.. I [ersonnally know a mech who barely passed, but is the best at his job/MOS...  I'm thinking he should look at the Rail systems... and maybe odd mech jobs, he should ask his recruiter... all Branches have alot of different training available, ansd all levels are beneficial, and needed.

    92F Petroleum Supply Specialist may be good as well... it's jokingly called a gas station attendant, but it is much more, setting up fuel supply lines, pump stations... all in demand in civvy world.

    So many options, and only so much time.

  2. Well the best thing to do is help him research before he picks his job.  He just completed the ASVAB, which means the recruiter is probably booking his job in the office tomorrow.  However most people who tend to have reading problems, or low test scores, usuall are people who are hands on learners.  Luckily the army offers both mechanics which don't require a long school and has a lot of hands on.  Truck driving is another in which not only does he learn a skill that he can use on the civilian side as well just in case the army doesn't work out.  It also depends if he is going AD or Reserves.  Anyway, the jobs i have mentioned also have a high deployability rate AD or Reserve so if he does not mine being activated then those would be 2 easy jobs, dangerous but easy to learn.  Another hands on job that i would recommend that safer than the other two is Supply or Cook.  

    Good luck and make sure you research each job first, if you have any questions im at up_grader anytime of day/night...even if youre at recruiter's office....LOL

  3. All of them require some type of reading and if he can't improve his reading skills then he might now be able to get any MOS at all.  The combat MOSs don't require too much reading but I would recommend he improves anyway since he can take college courses during active duty no matter what he chooses.

  4. Honestly I hope he gets a good job. See if he can be a mechanic or something. Whatever he chooses, have him make sure he gets a full description of the job. Something he's comfortable doing. Don't just go for the first job. Or he can retake the test.

    Just remember, he has to know how to read when he place that claymore on the ground. It has instructions on it that say, "front towards enemy". He has to make sure he does that right, before he blows up the platoon. But in all honesty, see if he can work on his skills. When I was a Soldier, we would be a bit worried of being paired up with someone that didn't grasp stuff too well. Help him improve.

    Good luck

  5. Even in Combat mos you will have to read, read in training, and in combat. I think he should stay out of the service until he has completed a remedial reading course

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