
Whats a good comeback for when my lil bro says...?

by  |  earlier

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I need a comeback for when my brother says, "You roll your eyes a lot, don't you?"

Or when he says, "You feel special b/c you can move your eye muscles?"

He's 13.




  1. say... yes i do feel special...a feeling that YOU have never and will never feel.

  2. He says, "You roll your eyes a lot don't you?"

    You say, "Only when people ask or say stupid things."

    He says, "You feel special b/c you can move your eye muscles?"

    You say, "Uh no idiot, moving eye muscles is called seeing, you should try it sometime."

  3. Just smile and say " I sure do ! ".

  4. I gotta admit his that was funny.. my daughter rolls her eyes a lot when she don't like hearing something that makes sense, since she was little and a good come back..hmm..

  5. Answer,  Only when looking at you baby.

  6. "You feel special b/c you can move your eye muscles?"

    Response : No, I feel special because I'm cute and everyone loves me.

    ""You roll your eyes a lot, don't you?"

    Response : You m********e alot, don't you? I can tell.

  7. Sorry I don't have a good comeback for you to use. I only have an observation. I think men (and 13 y.o. boys) eyeballs really don't move as much as women's.  Men and boys stare.  Women and girls glance, and their eyes are more lively and expressive.  Look around at people and see if you agree.

  8. Don't say a word.  Just roll your eyes at him!

  9. When your bro says "You roll your eyes a lot, don't you?"

    You just agree and say "Yep, everytime I see your face, can't help it" give a shrug and go about your business.

    Or when he says, "You feel special because you can move your eye muscles?"

    You could say, "No, its really because mom/dad just told me they wished I was an only child."

  10. When he says: "You roll your eyes a lot, don't you?"

    say "Wow Sherlock. Good investigating." Then roll your eyes again.

    When he says: "You feel special b/c you can move your eye muscles?"

    say "Yes, I feel special. Mainly because mom found you in the back of a dumpster when you were a baby."

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