
Whats a good comeback to...?10 points!!!?

by  |  earlier

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"Go home, nowone wants you here".

Hes a guy "friend" and hes being a jerk so I want to get back at him.

lol. thanks =)




  1. "Well, at least I'm not as ugly as that thing on your head, wait, that's your face!''

  2. That's okay cause there's nobody here I want!

  3. I've told my bro's friends that a few times.

    I guess a good comeback might be...

    "And you know everyone thinks that?"  

  4. FU

  5. "hey that's cool with me, here sucks pretty bad when you're around"

    "oh, so you want me here? i mean, that's got to be what you mean given that you're such a nobody"

    or just smile at him and say "oh my goodness, i never realized how nice you are"

    kill him with kindness ;) good luck

  6. Your Mom!

    [lol] I'm kidding

  7. omqqq i was wondering the same thing  

  8. whether I'm home or here, I'm not yours so I'm good! ;)

  9. go pick on someone your own size theres a bus in the parking lot

    i use that for like alot of things :P

  10. every person has the right to be ugly, but you abused the privilege.

    Sure, I've seen people like you before - but I had to pay an admission...

    Hi there, I'm a human being! What are you?

      Save your breath...You'll need it to blow up your date.

    Shouldn't you have a license for being that ugly?

    Calling you an idiot would be an insult to all the stupid people.

    I'd love to ask how old you are, but unfortunately I know you can't count that high.

    You should learn from your parents mistakes - try using some birth control.

    Next time you shave, try standing an inch or two closer to the blade.

    If I was as ugly as you were, I wouldn't say Hi to folk, I'd say BOO!

    You've got the perfect weapon against muggers - yer face.

    You got a face only a mother could love...unfortunately she too hates it!

    I heard that you went to the haunted house and they offered you a job.

    Listen, are you always this stupid or are you just making a special effort today?

    Sure, I'd love to help you, which way did you come in?

    Anybody who told you to be yourself simply couldn't have given you worse advice...

      I heard that you changed your mind. So, what did you do with the diaper?

    Why don't you slip into something more a coma.

    You started at the bottom...and it's been downhill ever since!

    I heard that you were a Ladykiller. They take one look at you and die of shock.

    Brains aren't everything. In fact in your case they're nothing

    Don't let you mind wander - it's far too small to be let out on its own

    you dont know the meaning of the word "fear" - but then again you dont know the meaning of most words

    I don't know what makes you so dumb but it really works

    I don't think you are a fool, but what's my opinion compared to that of thousands of others

    I'm glad to see you're not letting your education get in the way of your ignorance.

  11. Nothing just get a holy water and springle him and say be gone demon

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