
Whats a good energy drink for a one hour karate class?

by Guest61382  |  earlier

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i take a 5 hour energy in the morning which gets me through my 9 hour work day. after work i have a one hour karate class, and i need to get pumped for it. problem is as soon as i get home from class i need to be able to sleep.

bottom line... what can i drink/eat/take that will give me an hour of energy followed by a solid crash?




  1. I personally drink a Red Bull on the way home from work, which is usually about an hour before my class starts.

    But I don't go to sleep right after class.

    I would suggest, rather than an energy drink, to eat food that will give you carbs periodically throughout the day.  Keep your metabolism up and also keep your blood sugar up.  This is likely why you are getting tired.

    Try an Orange or a spoon full of peanut butter and small glass of milk about a half hour before class.  This helps me too.

  2. I'm 39, raising 5 kids, substitute teach, coach football, assist my instructor with classes 2-4 days a week, and take classes myself two days a week. The ONLY "energy drink" I use is coffee when I get up in the morning (it's a vice I've had since I was 19 and in the Marine Corps, and it just tastes too good to give up now).

    Try eating better, hydrate properly (which includes not just plain water, but electrolytes), and get proper sleep. Energy drinks MAY be a tolerable substitute ONCE IN A WHILE, but as a regular substitute for everything I mentioned above, they will cause you major problems down the road.

    And stay away from NOS, NOX, No Explode, etc. Yes, they increase blood flow. Yes, they pump you up. No, you are not a bodybuilder and don't need it. Stop looking for short cuts and do it right.

  3. with a schedule like that you need to be doing this with nutrition not energy drinks.  start eating small meals 6-7 times a day making your second to last meal an hour or two before your workout and then the last meal should actually be extremly small after your workout....more protein than carb.  of course, it greatly depends on the quality of food you eat.  this will also improve your sleep quality.  try making them about equal portions of card vs. protein except for that last one and drink plenty of water.  it sounds like your body would want to crash if you didnt have that last "boost".  Doing it "on your own" will get your body used to being pushed instead of dragged and eventually it will push itself.  But you cant do this and eat fast food or "whatever is available at the time" type of meals everyday.

  4. NO Explode. It's a powder you can buy at any GNC. It's AMAZING! It's like legal steroids. Try it, and you will never train without it.

  5. I eat a Zone Bar and drink water for energy before class.  Sometimes I have a piece of fruit instead.

  6. Try to drink some green tea, there are some brands with natural energy increasers.  Arizona is one I find to be the best.  I don't need it, but it helps you, it relieves stress and helps you relax too.

  7. Energy drinks are bad for you in general. You might try to kick your addiction before working out to vigorously. That is unless you want to damage your heart.

    Good luck

  8. Chocolate milk is all the rage with bike riders. It contains protein,fat,and other nutrients for energy. The chocolate has a bit of sugar for an extra jolt. I would drink that followed by a piece of fruit, then followed by a "B-complex" vitamin which contains all the major b-vitamins which are responsible for fat and carb matabolism and energy. Take one ginseng capsule per day as well. Natural nutrition is always better than some energy drink with caffeine and 50 grams of sugar. Oh yeah, 5 hour energy is very healthy and that great. Also try meditation and breathing exercises before practice. It increases focus and oxygenates the blood.

       ON the way to practice, listen to your favorite music to get amped for practice. If your not a TV junkie and dont get distracted easily, maybe even watch some martial arts movies before practice to inspire you. Good luck.

    p.s- maybe try drinking your "5 hour energy" a little later so its closer to your workout time. But dont take it to late in the evening, or you will have trouble sleeping.

  9. wow you guys must like kidney stones. drop the energy drinks. if you eat healthy and balanced meals, have a regular sleep schedule and work out regularly you will have a lot more energy.

    a recent study showed that the leading cause of fatigue is using caffeine to avoid being tired. like all drugs it causes the body to become dependent on it then makes it crash with out it.

  10. try using rocket shot you can buy at meijers or walmart they have the same caffiene as 16oz of pepsi but lots of vitamins to keep you going then your also not jittery

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