
Whats a good excuse to cancel a playdate with your next door neighbor?

by  |  earlier

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She doesn't have any children and she's older.... But lately she's been crepping me out... HELP!!! I need answers quick! I'd say that one of my kids is sick but I need to run errands and she'll know that they're not!




  1. tell her your kids have a doctor appt. or dentist appt.  Or tell her there is an emergency in the family.  Or say your mom is going out of town and demands to see the kids before she

  2. If you need to run errands then tell her that. Why do you need an excuse?  I wouldnt say someone is sick. Excuses like that create bad karma and then they WILL get sick....

    keep avoiding her and she will (hopefully) get the hint soon

  3. just tell her that you had previous plans and completely forgot about them. Then leave the house.

  4. just tell her they have to go somewhere else.

    or say theyre busy or something.

    try leaving with them for a short errand like the park or something....

    good luck

  5. You can always say a family emergency came up, so and so just called, they need us to help them move, pack, watch their kids, etc....

  6. Tell her one of your relatives is sick. Or tell her you have to go with your Mom ( or someone else) and help her out with something.

    Heck, just be brave and flat out tell her the truth!

  7. Just tell her you have something special planned for the kids across town. That way you can be out of the house running errands.

  8. Say they're sick, and when your running errands you could say you took them to the doctors.

  9. Tell her that you have to help a family member with something (like moving or something) then when/if she asks to watch him/her for you say that theyve been running a slight temp and youd rather keep them with you so you will "have to reschedule"

  10. tell her that you are fleeing the country because of a drug bust then move to area 51

  11. Just say that you have important errands to run that can't wait.

  12. tell her that you have a crazy day ahead of you and dont have time

  13. If you actually agreed to a playdate with her, you really should keep that one appointment.  However, if you cannot, then say you need your child with you on your errands.   Don't give details.   Your kids may need to try on clothes, or pose for a picture, but it's not really any of her business.    

    If you keep the playdate, use it as an opportunity to cancel or set expectations for any future engagements.   Tell her that your schedule has changed and your kids are going to have a lot less time to visit in the upcoming months.   If she tries to set up a playdate, then tell her cannot arrange one at this time and do not say when you could arrange one.   Avoid going into details.  It would be rude of her to question you too closely, but if she does, you may have to be slightly rude in ignoring or brushing off her questions in return.    

    So, the basic approach is "Just say no."

    - stick to your message (We can't make any more playdates)

    - try to avoid making excuses.  You don't have to apologize for saying "no".  You have the right to say "no" without apologizing.

    - politely refuse to give details.  You don't have to explain yourself.    

    - don't agree to anything.  Be very non-committal

    - don't linger.   Once you have said "no", your work there is done, and it is time to move on.

  14. Why not try the truth? You said yourself that she doesn't have kids of her own then why does she need a "play date" with your kids. That would have been something you should have said NO to the first time out.  Normal adults don't seek the company of children for their social life.

    Just tell her the truth as nicely as you can that you and your family are not comfortable with the play arrangement between your children and herself as an adult and that you can't do that anymore.  If you start making up phony reasons or lies then they get harder to keep track of and to cover up all the time which can lead to other problems.

  15. She's probably lonely and wants to spend time with children. Go for a little bit, but set a time frame. Tell her I can only stay for an hour or so. Then be honest(ish) and tell her that you are just flat out with everything that you need to get done. You have a ton of errands to do. If she offers to watch  your child/ren then tell her you were planning to take them with you because you have to stop at ______. Then don't accept play dates in the future.

    Why is she creeping you out?

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