
Whats a good job for a teenager to get?

by  |  earlier

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does anyone know what a good job would be for a teenager? that wants to make pretty good money.




  1. answering service operator

    kitchen staff in a nursing home

    camp counselor


  2. babysitting

    paper route

    office work

  3. You probably have to look into more. And see what you want to do and where to work. If you are going to college I would get a job that is somewhat like the major you want but it might not pay that much )=

  4. A fast food place is one good one.

    Usually you get paid better if you make a supervisor position. Another way you can garuntee good money is take alot of shifts, I take 3-4, sometimes 5, and I make $320+ in a week and that's pretty good for me. Just take a look around at who is hiring and make a good resume.

  5. You might check with the employment office or the chamber of commerce if you want more than a fast food job.

  6. If a teenager enjoys sports then maybe a sport store. If a teenager loves shopping then maybe a clothing, jewelry store. It really depends. It's not best to apply anywhere because if you get into a job and realize it sucks and your miserable then it's not worth the time.  

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