
Whats a good martial art??

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im thinking of taking one up




  1. kung fu or judo are the best im a yellow belt and i can take a purple belt down that takes karate

  2. I do Judo and Taekwondo and enjoy both immensely.

    However, if you want to do a martial art, it depends on what you want.

    The first thing to do is think of what sort of martial art do you want to do. Do you want to do one which is grappling based like Judo, or a striking one like Karate?

    The next thing is to look at what clubs are in your area and what the standard of training is. There is little point in doing a martial art if the instructor is not good or you don't get on with them (I have left one club simply because I could not get on with the instructor, even though he had excellent knowledge).

    Try and find a club that meets more than one a week. You will never get good if you only train once a week.

    The best way to find out about which of your local clubs is the best, is to go to a few lessons and see which club you like and which martial art you enjoy the most.

    Don't worry about doing a very specific one. A lot of people think one martial art is better than others, but each martial art has strengths and weaknesses. Simply put, if a martial art was not effective, no one would bother with it and it would have faded into obscurity.

    It is far better to find a club and instructor that you get on with, than train in a what people think is a "superior" martial art. If you are having fun, you will train more and get more out of it. If training is a slog, no matter how good the instructor or the martial art is you will never keep it up.

    I wish you luck and hope you find a martial art that suits you. I really enjoy doing the ones I do, and have noticed they have had a positive effect on me

  3. Sayaw ng Kamatayan (Yaw-Yan) in the Philippines or Capoeira

  4. i would say kickboxing. since most people here said taekwondo and mainly karate. In karate they punch the chest/ no punches to the face. i dont find it realistic. kickboxing is a perfect striking martial art, which is something you need to "defend" yourself out on the streets. Taekwondo is useful, but it lacks punching and !!DEFENDING!!, they fight guards down..and honestly its not practical, its good for show only*. in kickboxing you also learn taekwondo kicks inaddition with proper punching techniques + perfect guards to prevent getting kicked or punched on the face. anyway kickboxing has got both kicks and punches which give u a variety of skills to use. u can keep ur opponent far from u using ur kicks, if he comes close strike with ur punches.. its the most realistic and useful martial art i think. since i do it.. give it a shot. i am sure u will love it.. i got friends black belt taekwondo that start training kickboxing and they admit, its more practical and useful.

  5. Karate is the most popular and one of the best.

  6. judo is nice. You can take down your enemy no matter how big he or she is. You know you are doing the technique right because you get results.

  7. Japanese Jiu-jitsu.

    Best wishes :)***

  8. Any style of "Japanese jujitsu" ..... The foundation of all martial arts.

  9. Any of them if taught and trained correctly. My advic eis don't worry about style, unless you are looking for some specific things, for example weapons, ground fighting, etc.

    My advice is:

    1) Make a list of everything that is availible in your area. Be aware that there should actually be a style name for Kung fu or Karate schools. If there is not pass on it, as it is probably a made up sport style.

    2) Research what each of these styles teaches. You can immedietly throw out the ones that don't have what you want.

    3) Search on here for questions about finding a good instructor and school, as there are already many great answers.

    4) Visit each school and watch a minimum of two classes, and compare them to the list, and ask questions that you will also find in the search.

    5) Pick the best school, that trains the most realisticly, regardless of style. A style and the moves in it are just a tool, how they are used and trained determines how effective they are.

    Hope this helps.

    Edit for berk O - I believe you are probably talking about Kyokoshin karate, which means you must have seen the Human Weapon episode on it. there are many different styles of karate, and many of them allow punches to the head for real self defense. i would actually rather use a palm heel or other sioft strike myself. Please inform yourself before you make statements about other arts. BTW Tae kwon Do traditionaly has punches to the head as well. Olympic style does not, but then that is a sport.

  10. karate

  11. Karate, tae kwon do, judo and all that are popular, but don't do it because everyone else is doing it. In my opinion, kung fu is the best martial arts in the world. It's been practiced for thousands of years, improves your flexibility, speed, balance, power, and mental health.

    I use to do karate, and it doesn't help my physical fitness when I tore my leg muscles twice. Tai Chi is also a good martial arts, but it takes 10 years to master well before you can hurt someone with it. If you can't think of what you want to do, then go out and try them all. Ask if you can get one free class session just to try it out. Go to all kinds of different martial art schools not just one. Look for tae kwon do, karate,

    judo, kenpo, tang soo do, kung fu, ninjitsu (lol).  One more thing, find something that you like and can stick with for at least 3 years to get a black belt. Good Luck

  12. Kung fu and Karate

  13. They're all good. Every martial art has its strengths and weaknesses depending on what you use it for. Find a martial art that interests you, check out the martial arts schools in your area that teach it, find the one with the best instructor and take it. A good instructor is the most important thing.

  14. Krav Maga. It is and emmensly effective. You learn to analyze and neutralize the threat in less than 10 seconds and you learn to make sure you don't get hurt. If it is self defense you are looking for than it helps you alot. if you are just looking for sport martial arts then Taekwondo is a good choice. but for self defense and fights Krav is the way to go

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